who can beat dignitas?

to me it doesnt take a whole lot of imagination to put together a team that can beat them...
eaz bash 4 all, i miss parodia&co

but seriously these finals are too boring, i like semifinal much more :/
wtf, have you never heard of lepari?
eh yes I have :D
well he can beat them
I heard you want lepari to rub his man hood in your face!
they can't be beaten :)))
alexl can
making a team that can beat them is easy

its bringing them together :S and pracc for a long time thats hard
You can put together a team that may have more skill than them, but one thing you can't put together is a team that has played together and know each other as well as the dignitas team. The teamwork can't be matched imho.

Face it, it just ain't gonna happen!
If you can convince them to play together again, and if they practised and got back to the team that beat idle before then maybe. But then again, dignitas have had an extra year ahead of parodia even if this did happen.
ok they have had a lot of practice, but Im really surprised that people think that teamwork takes 1 year to develope, imo just play for 1 week and change a little bit every day, should be enough for 6 experience+skilled players
But a week long team will not know how each player thinks, feels, plays etc... The Dignitas team know everything about each other and can work as One. That takes longer than a week to perfect, and you gotta have the right players with the right tempremant and the right leader.
Dignitas is the perfect team more or less lol.
well ok Im not talking about 6 average players, Im talking about 6 rly skilled players, highskill aim+high skill gamesens, dont think they would need much time to build up their tacs+teamplay
Give me a line-up ;p
well eh ok :P

Im will just mention some players that IVe played with, and 1-2 I dont know but are pwn any way.

The players that I've met, and played with, that rly understands the game, and can dominate all around them:

Viborator (killing machine)
Razz+mztik+sqzz (they jump fast and they aim very good)
Squall (aggressive medic, always high dmg and kills, but that was before 141 time)
kMt_ (very good aggressive field ops back when I met him)
Mize (very strong aimer, can aim well in almost any situation)

Im sure that there are others that I forget, but these are the ones that sticks out in my mind, put these guys in a team and you cant lose :)
I like the razz, mztik and sqzz part. Maybe because i'm English but imo I think they play good individually and together :)

There is something missing though. A strong leader would be needed to challenge Night, but I don't know if any of them would be able to do that.
To be honest unless a team like you have described and can work perfectly together i can't see dignitas getting beaten. I can't see the future though and people have different views so i'm putting up an arguement neither of us can win ;p
I could do the strong leader part np :P, but I dont think thats needed, would already have too much aiming power for any team xD
and their magical uber mast!r aim will disappear on lans or what? ps: aim won't move the tank :'(
well what would you do against a team that beated you in every 1on1? Plus they all have amazing teamplay, you must have played against razz,mztk,sqzz they can play every class and do almost anything
actually we don't have those 1v1 moments very much and i really think that we handle them 2vs1 :) ps: on lan they will prolly just suck their thumbs like always?
well viborator vs 3 isnt really a problem for him, or any of the others I might add

and what do you mean with the thumb sucking?
by getting owned in every 1v1 like always...
like always? :P

IVe only played against idle one time and I fucking raped you, urtier asks why Im ultra quakecon skill? Im not saying you played your best that time(was 5on5 and you werent in idle), but rly, you cant seriously mean that you have THAT good aim? Ive seen it, and Im not impressed really, ferus was skilled though xD
i remember that :)
it was a good day ^^ thanks to, spion viol kmt reload for good teamwork

we all think you're sooo skilled 'n stuff! its a good thing you never cheated and played on many LAN's otherwise people would think you cheat ;o
Ill play you at lan any day, bring some people there so they can see you lose
I am not talking about myself! I am just a random lowbie...

your ego is too big! just because you have made a triple kill verus idle/dignitas once and won most of the 1v1's it still doesn't matter... you will always stay a dumb cheater... and they will always own you... not one team that is active now is capable of beating idle/dignitas... not 141 not zP! not Impact-Gaming...
they cant own me now, maybe 2 years ago when I Started playing clanwars, but not now
yeah sure... but after all the bullshit you posted in this journal do you really think people are going to believe you? NO! do you know why? BECAUSE YOU CHEATED AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE TREATED AS AN CHEATER!

sure you can say that you will own everyone's ass on a LAN BUT you won't get there because you CHEATED and you don't deserve to play on a LAN!
dont deserve? Just cause of some cheats? If you were told by some player you met at lan that he used hax one time on public you wouldnt tell him to his face that he doesnt deserve to play on lan. You just say that cause perhaps I will own if I play without cheats
if I was the LAN organiser I would!

I really don't care if you would own or not... you cheated and that's a fact... you don't deserve to play on a LAN! end of story!

I'm tired now... going to get some sleep! bye
in that case, many others wouldnt "deserve" to go to lan, people you think never touched a hack
second that
great argument ^^
Yes, that's another thing. You guys always attack with atleast one partner.

Can you feel the love?
/ \

Buddah the god in China by Pepper
omg dickhead xD
low-med at most. they are monkeys. not
to mention ex-cheaters. except for mztik ;)
low med? yes ok
Viborator (killing machine)
It has been a very long time since i lold so loud behind my pc :)
I completely agree. At some point, when you have played together as a team long enough, you come to a point where you just know what your team mates will do in what ever situation; it almost becomes an instinct. I remember this with one of my old clans :)
Spot on, people just seem to think get the best 6 we can think of and they will beat d, first of all they need to gel, they need to have alot of experience as well.

On top of that, whos not to say a massive challenge will make d even better? They might raise their level again if they need to, some of the games they've won recently they haven't needed to get out of 2nd gear.

ps u sux jaki
jak is a ghoster tbh...
There isnt 6 shittys in the world, soz... only one :/
Maybe impact gaming someday. But zP will have another chance, too.
theres no team that can be unbeaten, there will always be better out there.
zP keep improving.
Perhaps if they start aiming better, otherwise I dont think they can improve THAT much more, they all played for a long time now, they know this game very well, all that is missing is aim I think
agreed, zp just lack the individual skill to beat idle
No one!!
it is not about the aiming or smthn...
i dont think idle have the best 6 aimers in the world...they just have absolutely superb TP
who cares about aim when you can beat your opponents with teamplay and brains
We nead old dignitas back:P
Intact power !!!
I think we had the chance as the old rewind team, when we were a new team. Even if we would re-form it we wouldn't be able to do it because we'd get too much personal conflicts within the team
made my day xD
a few weak players I have to say :P, you can ask who in IRC I wont say anything here xD
no one, mainly because every team will die before they get any good ;d!
shhhhh go sit in the corner and put on the dumstrut
maybe with a team like this !1
maybe the same aim, but not the same teamwork as dignitas
dont take that serious :p
To much indivuall skill imo...
dont forget jonas 8<
impact gaming will
They have nice aim, but i think in 1v1 we can take them down, its just there teamplay!!

I want to sit in vent and just wanna hear how they communicate
one problem... they don't!

everything is routine for them and they laugh the whole time!
141 and zp may perhaps one day beat them, and ofc Impact.
its just so fucking annoying for teams who want to chalenge idle:
when they have 6 great aimers, they loose because of lack of teamplay.
when they have teamplay, they loose because of lack of individual skills.

thats why dignitas wins versus team of great aimers - thanks to teamplay.
thats why dignitas wins versus team with teamplay - thanks to individual skills.

tbh idle is not a 'classic' team. what makes them different is e.g. having 3 guys capable of playing rifle ( :o ), 4 guys capable of playing fieldops ( :o) - and playing it, some more some less, but stricte to the tax, their style of defending (rush out of taxplaces every 5, 10 secs, selfkill and they are right back before enemy can get to zone of fight. i cant see teams playing this way in defence.

but tell me, did they speak to other via vent or shouting? because on shg, they played hell lot better than online, new every position and made everything on time, and i think it may be because of the LAN environment
actually playing online isn't very motivating and ventrilo :)
i kiss u!!!!!
you need to watch more games tbh :S

we always push out with Pillars
the old one4one will be able to, no other team comes close.
gunslingers tralalala :d
Germany butchji
Belgium mAus
Germany butchji
Belgium mAus
Germany butchji
Belgium mAus

Only them can beat dignitas :DDD
well, as said, only a team like parodia could beat them but bringing them together would be hard, and then they had to prac a lot!
to much talk.
easy to beat them lol. ye they are top now but back in the day when 141,parodia where there they were nuthing.
funny how u didnt paste the next EC LoLz!
you said back in the day... (logically the oldest crap..)
you said it bro XD
cu beating them
not having any red triangles in yawn! LoL! bring the evidence
if u were talkin about me: well ofc not, i dont hack

if u were talkin about urself: noob
im2good4hacks as well as 2good4clans
hacking means: no clans, so ure right
if we could clone perfo 5 times we would have a team that could beat dignitas
If idle keeps playing like this, dont think an allstarmix or the old parodia can beat them and also dont think you can take any idle person down 1v1 because they'll just take you down 1v1 and they'll be most of the time shooting with six, and IF you take someone down 1v1 (like sometimes on cathedral), there are still 5 fucking higskilled players left who can kill anyone with any gun and dont forget, idle are objectivewhores and that helps them too from time to time :p
you really think they are that good 1on1? Ive played against them and they are not
rly spec them, look at how they mouse their mouse, its not good, they dont have good tracking
"look at how they mouse their mouse" ^^
so basically you're too l33t 1vs1 and you still can't get ze flag? sry q3 plz
they're monsterz 8[
Germany butchji
Poland kot
Poland wiesek
Belgium mAus
United Kingdom razz
Finland raveneye

fo sure
too many poltards
then every math will take about 2 hours because kot keeps lagging out every time!

easy beat :p
but aint gonne happen :(
only rapture is still alive

but hey maby we can replace some

darkie - darky
pjotter - potter
rapture stays ofc
sanctity - keran
intact - hatred
ankel - gifty

maby they will
will see tommorow
ye take 6 PRO AIMERS who have AMAZING gamesense (dont forget to include ALEXL and PEPPER), play 1 week, bye idle.
Are Alexl and pepper rly so highskilled as they say or just wnbs who want some attention?
how highskill do WE say we are?
so highskilled that you can win 1on1s vs them
well I dont THINK that, I already tried and I did, and many others as well..
Impact won't. Sorry to blow your hopes.
Edwin Holmes
nP for old skool Netherlands fayntic

- Netherlands boog
- Netherlands ZaK-
- Netherlands spNk
- Netherlands h3ll
- Netherlands kinky
- Netherlands skiD / Yugoslavia dmr

ahhh :) the good old times :p
I think people have hit on the nail on the head having 6 GREAT aimers sadly isn't enough you need the right combination of players a solid team leader, a great rifle, 3 STAPLE medics I can't stress the importance of this then and engineer smg/fdop and another fdop capable of spawnraping etc.
joonas,wizzel,uniX,alexL,pepper,NuggaN ftw!!! outgun them hard, but we would prob not come even close to obj :p
haha, who cares about obj lol xD
Great power of idle imo is their ability to stand their ground when they need to. In other words, who the hell cares about praccing results, I've seen them being taken down more then once in pracs, the only thing is that they seem to learn from it rather then z0mg we pwanzrd iedle^lol gief epixzx . They are always good when they need to be good, always.
eazy bash for:
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