use your drivers
Anti Aliasing
18 Feb 2007, 01:22
is there a command in ET to increase AA?
(random movie:
(random movie:
i know i can do it with drivers, but i was just wondering if there would be a cmd in ET...
dont think so
use rivatuner!
i already do... lowering the LODbias really gives a clear view in ET
or the tool that comes with the ati omega drivers
ask perfo
hi2u, perfos slave here. Master is at sleep, but he asked me to give his answer to you: no, there is not a command in ET for AA, also the program that comes with omega drivers is ati tray tools, t but since OP said that he is using rivatuner, i guess he has a nvidia card, in that case i dunno what comes with omega.
there isn't