omg i was soo close :,<

image: royaluh7

that dirty son of a bitch down there had my card :[

any one had a royal flush once?

btw i know that i couldnt get a royal flush coz of the first 2 cards! but im bored so i had to make a journal :<


aphesia: omg u played without me :<
silent: lies i never played! i faked it with paint!
kick him in the nuts
why is everybody playing poker nowadays? oO
1. you had absolutely nothing
2. how the hell do you wanna see a flop with those cards?
3. if a flop is bad for you why the hell do you continue to bet money into it.

Hope you are playing for play money only...
miss had hij zo weinig dat hij met die kaarten in t begin al allin was?
aan zin chipaccount te zien was hij niet all in :-)
rofl ik zat naar die JA te kijken daar onderin :D die ander kwam niet eens dichtbij whaha
i dont know what the fuck your talking about coz im a poker nooby! ;) and OFC it is real money as u can see on the table "PLAY MONEY TABLE"
i said hope you play on play money tables ONLY :-)

I dont mind, was just a friendly tip from a pokeradict ;-)
ghehe but to awnser your question, im playing poker for 6years now, and i think ive had 2 royal flushes so far.

But mostly they dont give alot of money.
Play 7 2 and get a flop of 7 7 2, slowplay it and that will win you alot of money :-)

got me 160dollars
You'd better just throw your money out of the window instead of playing 72os.
with a 10 cents big blind, why not?
ye 10 cent, im not playing for 10 cents lol :D

for 4 euro it's a bad call.

and u wont get a 160 dollar pot with 10c blinds :D
if you are on a 10/20dollar table and you are on the big blind with 7 2 and the others just limp in. Well then i check... And after a 772 flop im not going to fold anymore, so i slowplayed it, turn was a A and river was a J.

So no i dont trow my money away.
Was just a good moment.
ye well, on the big blind it's ok, but the hand isnt even worth 10 cent
well, this one was worth 160 dollar tbh
nice being a smartass

prolly there werent much cash in, besides the blinds, cuz noone had anything till the river
Well, hes in a late position and in cash games its not even a bad choice to call such a hand. In a tournament this hand is worth nothing. He's also playing playmoney, so people are NOT playing serious, because no one cares about it.
he had high card
have perfo teach you poker
but hes on lan :,<
Not even close, pff.
n00b LoL!
why r u playing ace deuce off suit for the entire pot?
pff wie wars gestern hon?
could anyone explain what the hell is going on in the picture ? :s
You're playing with Pokémon.

'Pikacho' : <
Ask mize, he is a pokerlegend.

Also, my sister had a Royal Flush the first time she ever played poker.
wie peinlich hast ya sogar beim pokern nexus hinter deinem namen ôO
i have had a royal straight flush once, in spades :). unfortunatley everybody else had it too since the royal straight flush was neatly on the table :)
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