DNS problems? well i think


I recently upgraded my computer so i though while ur head get vista so i did.

Am using the same router and same PCI card as before. (wireless)
i havn't changed ISP or settings like that.

Well since i open a online game = ET or CSS, i can connect to a server and after about 2 mins my connection goes. am still connected to teh router and when i do diagnostic and repair it says its a problem reaching DNS

And me a noobie so don't know how or what a DNS is.

So i was hoping u network pr0bies could help me.

<3 and thxs in advance

Random pic:
image: kittah
i have probs with my DNS too, cuz i only got one leg.
owned,my dns is ok only got 3 heads but so i can get 3 headshots @ the same time =(
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