Auto Demo?

Is there a command for cfgs that will automatically start recording a demo as soon as you connect to a server/join a team? Until recently, I had this happening and I found it useful in determining who said what and who did what (useful for covering my ass!). It's also much easier than remembering to hit F12 each time I want to record a demo.

Unless of course it was all an illusion and it was somehow bound to MOUSE1 :/
\cg_autoaction 1
cg_autoaction x
cg_autoaction 1-7 or so
just put the command /record autoexec.cfg

cg_autoaction only starts when the warmup time starts, i dont think he means that
if you have team select script on 8,9,0 make smth like this:

bind 8 "exec lol.cfg; omg record demo nabzor"

and in lol.cfg put this:

bind 8 "team r 1"

simply but n1ce ;]
Its in the clanbase config to auto record from scrims. If you want to put it in a toggle i used to have this:

set cg_autoaction "0"
set actiontoggle "vstr war"
set war "seta cg_autoaction 7; set actiontoggle vstr pub; echo ^pA^7ction settings: ^p>^7War settings"
set pub "seta cg_autoaction 0; set actiontoggle vstr war; echo ^pA^7ction settings: ^p>^7Public settings"
bind F5 "vstr actiontoggle"
The problem is though, that these all record to map_day_month.dm_84 so each time the demo starts recording, it records over the existing ones.

It used to work so that they would be recorded with names like:2007-02-17-164220-oasis.dm_84. But the commands above create: oasis_18_2.dm_84, which means that if I play the same map more than once a day, it will get overwritten :(
cg_autoaction 7

will make demos like: 2007-02-17-164220-oasis.dm_84 and screenshots at the and of each map of the scoreboard
cg_autoaction 7
ta guyz

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