
Iam looking forward on crossfire.nu to feed the community, especially the ET community with nice movies. own3D.eu is thought to bring people to a plattform, where you get offered a nice preview of what you are downloading.

Check out our download section. Above the download button, you can see a flash-window. Use this preview to take a first look of what the movie is about. If you like it, then download it with 100mbit as a registrated user, and 100kb/s as unregistrated. (Please notice: In germany, most of the people do have 128kb/s at maximum, and we offer 100kb/s for unregistrated people!)

This is not a page where you can ONLY WATCH videos, yes, you can download every video which has been added on crossfire.nu by clicking the download button at the bottom of the page (Have to explain it in that way because i still think that many of you still think that you can only watch this videos without a download-option.)

If you want to come for watching videos, then check out our video section. We offer more than 200 eSport movies, 90% of these videos are also available to download. (Whenever you can download this video, the "Download this video" link will be displayed on the top below the video title) In the near future we will try to change the flash-quality up to 90% of the video, but that`s a project which does not have major priority.

own3D.eu - We have your eSport movie

Ps.: This page is coded and designed from only two guys, masta- and me. We do not have any sponsor who`s gonna pay our

+ webserver,
+ our root server (Filebase)
+ our ettv servers,
+ our gtv servers (for quake),
+ our q4 server,
+ our warsow server,
+ or our et-cup server,

therefore please keep in mind that we want to be a part of the community, and not not against it !. It`s not very nice to see people blustering against own3D.eu.

My 2 cents,
it's nice site, sometimes youll need to search a little but it's np
Ye nice idea and site ,well done.
that movie preview is rly nice
you guys are making nice job :T
well done
yep, rly nice previewing-thing
lasst euch nich von irgendwelchen idioten ohne ahnung unterkriegen, ihr macht das toll :-)
we all love you naxid .D
Does anyone have Mouseman - Nostalgia movie . From what I have heard the quality wasn't very good , but it had some impressive frags .
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