my own bed <3

i dont think i have ever been as tired as i am now :-d not even last friday morning when we arrived by car at half past 6 in the morning at the hostel only to find out we didnt have a room :P

Like at CPC1, I had an amazing time again this time in copenhagen and i'd like to thank / congratulate / shoutout to a few people =d

to start off with adacore and lab: the ET tournament was really well adminned and it ran very very smoothly. i didnt get to meet lab really but i can say adacore was running his ass off to get all sorts of stuff sorted; thumbs up and thanks for an amazing tournament

Then I want to thank my team (melkor, nonix, perfo, kris, gyzr and levi) for an amazing weekend and the two weeks before that. I think (just like BM) we did really well considering we had to get our stuff settled within 2 weeks and the atmosphere within our team was just great both ingame but also around it when we were doing random stuff together at the LAN etc. We had our ups and downs but overall we are completely satisfied about how our tournament went and i think rightfully so :p

Also i'd like to congratulate BM on a very well-deserved and impressive third place. Despite the fact that u almost gave me a heart attack on that frostbite round i'd like to thank you guys for your friendly attitude (it was rly nice meeting u again licid <3 :-d) at the LAN and for the two nice matches we pld. Also I'd like to say congrats to zP for 2nd place and ofc dignitas for proving they are still #1 ( :(( ). zP: i only saw ur SHG final and i must say u guys did rly well on frost props for that =D Third is dtekt who were really very friendly guys as well and against whom we had 2 very intense and nice matches too. I'd like to take the opportunity to say in my opinion they proven everyone's suspicions wrong by showing some nice individual skills during their matches and in general by showing up on this event (just my 2 cents). Hope all of u had a save and nice trip back home like we had.

It also was rly nice meeting Cash again on an event, he's one of the nicest guys i met "from online" xD shoutout 2u! and props to tosspot for some quality casting especially during the last few matches!

ERHHHH ofc also shoutout to all other teams who were there for showing some nice matches etc

Well to summarize just thanks to everyone who were in copenhagen for this rly amazingly nice weekend


ps perfo cheats

(soz for forgetting people but i realllyy am tired xd)
oh and nonix is funny as fuck ;DDD
just think it'll all be happening again in a month or two for CPC2 ;)
nice reading
Most social player on the lan goes to: RBNT who always walks with a smile on his face :). <333333333
hey wtf i came to you every splitsecond :(
yeh perfo was social aswell :)
nice swedish skills
:D <33333, but rbnt was smiling more tbh :)
more like offline ownator :D
true i playedbetter on lan than online :d
tyst nu perfo, folk kommer tro att vi är ett bög par som täcker ditt wh !!
haha ja jag aer dling hax atm
i played better offline aswell
was real fun without lag
idd you played good :>
good Estonianight rbnt
bcak form teh culb with robbenoot
yo rbnt :)
black magic are pure sexyness :D
perfo cheater pm me ff je sound settings :d
s_khz 44
s_mixahead 0.06
s_mixprestep 0.02

denk ik :d

maar mixahead and mixprestep moeten zo laag mogelijk, probeer met 0.01 te verlagen verhogen etc.
als je geen nadeticks meer hoort gewoon hoger zetten
domo arriganto mr roboto :DDD

sweet dreams little guy

np for levz :D

did i manage to be the most arrogant guy on shgopen or was it too obvious i was joking?
i knew that you were joking from the start :D
but i think snuble and the rest sort of misunderstood u ;d
i thought u were serious
well when i said you suck i was ofcourse
you never said i sucked wtf :S, you jsut mainly spoke to snuble that he sucked etc :<
i didn't? ok i'll do it now then

you suck nils!
Watchout for these guys in your bed:

image: mnms

pokernub :P!!!1
LoOoOoL, we must never forget this! Make a poker comment everyday, you can put it in your achievements too!
Hm, so now the mystery of the M&M's in our room and mainly in Kris's bed seems to be solved.
gyzr and nonix had like brown stains in their beds, all because you and night (and kris) like to throw with m&m's :(
I like the fact that blaze missed both the photo shoot AND the prize cerimony :p But then again, when you asked him about who he had to play next, he didnt know, all he had in mind was going out partying :p

Unexpected. Oh yeah, did he also fell from the stairs @ shgopen? Nice one DJ wasted =D
to much words for me
sleep well rbnt!
was idd very nice, I feel like writing one of these aswell, maybe later on. :p
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