do you smoke?

if so, what brand?

Lucky Strike here.
Yes, Parliament 100's.
red Pall Mall
lots of :(
no.. I stop smoking 1 and a half years ago. I smoked JPS :)
yes: crack!
yep, gimme anything
same here :O)
Marlboro reds ftw, but usually Blue L&M
Marlboro are too expensive for me and blue/lights suck.
no, but virtually everyone else in my family does, Lambert and butler mainly
JPS Black
nothing :)
No, only joints at parties, i blame riddla for this bad influence
yes, blue L&M
marlboro light
hard to get lucky strikes in my town ;x
no, smoking is disgusting
lucky strike lights - imported from turkey
ofc i smoke ffs
Yes, Marlboro Light
Not anymore since 2 weeks. And Prince > all. And Lucky Strike are the wannabe cool girly cigarettes.
drum tobacco

when i was 14 i smiled at family and friends who said dont start smoking. after 8 years , my wallet pocket is thinner and my health is poorer. so kids dont start - and yes you will smile just like me when i was at your age.

devilish circle
when i was 14 i smiled at family and friends who said dont start smoking. after 10 years my addiction costs me 120€ a month.
Listen to your family :P
Similar situation here - I smoke for more than 3 years but I also take speed. Luckily, after 8-10 years I will not write sentences like "my addiction costs me XXX €", because I will be already dead. :D!
Believe or not - it works. Around 2010 year I won't be addicted to anything, try it!
Yes, Marlboro Reds.

Used to smoke Camels, Silk Cut Lucky Strike, B&H Gold and my own rollies.
Yes, blue or red chesterfield. + joints
Yes : Silk Cut Purples and Benson And Hedges Gold
Marlboro Reds.

Not a heavy smoker though.
Marlboro Reds
camel blue <333
malboro/camel + smth here

once in a while I smoke some weed
Marlboro light.
ofc , chocolat cigarettes .
no! you suck btw :/
Be wise and stop wasting your money in bullcrap like CIGARETTES! ;)
and gamegear and a good pc and stuff like that isn't "bullcrap" ?
A pc isn't bullcrap, it's something that you can actually earn something else from, as for the gamegear it is a waste of money aswell, but it's also something nice and unharmful so I would rather spend my money on that stuff insted of some bullshit like cigarettes which can do alot of damage to yourself and those around you. :)
20 nein
33 yes

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