
how much do you drink per week ?

once in a week 20 bottles? more?
I'm either not drinking at all, or I'm really drinking.

Not drinking = 0 a week.

Really drinking = 60+ I suppose never counted. Pints, not bottles :P
i live in a students-flat

sometimes it's just a massacre what's going on here :E
atm i haven't touched a drop of alcohol in like a month and a half, considering im a student is pretty good. Saying you can drink

"Really drinking = 60+ I suppose never counted. Pints, not bottles :P"

makes you a big man really! drinking is supposed to be fun, cant believe someone would actually brag about shit like this.
Who says I'm bragging? He asked. It's not exactly in one go either, you're a student so you know some weeks (ie, after your loan comes through), you party for a while.

There must be loads of people who drink way more than me.
Wasn't picking on you in particular just you mentioned a specific value so don't worry :P i just really hate the morons (students mainly) who go out literally 5/6 times a week, because they think its cool and end up spewing there guts up or being complete twats as a result. Ive only ever been truly hung over/spewed over drink twice ever (once on holiday after drinking in a sports bar all day watching football then drinking in the evening and eating dodgy Spanish fish and chips and Christmas eve [just past] when i had pretty much nothing to eat all day then started drinking tequila shots which ive never tried before]. Bah im whining now soz :P, off to watch my movie :<
I do agree, and it's rare I'm truly wasted. I've thrown up once from drink since moving to uni.

I should explain, some weeks me and my friends do nothing but hang out with each other all day and night. We sit around playing fussball or consoles (my house has an N64, PS2 and XBOX360) in the front room, go to the pub and play pool, go on many nights out and sometimes just sit out the back and chat at someones house. For them all these activities involve drinking, as I'm with them I drink too. It's a gradual thing, drinking 8 pints sounds a lot, but over the course of a day it doesn't leave you blabbling incoherantly and throwing up everywhere. It keeps you in a state of merry throughout the day and peaks somewhat on a night out :)

After weeks like this we're sick of each other, naturally. I get in some hardcore ET, chat with them when I see them and study a bit. Wash, rinse and repeat a few weeks later o/

I'm not a big drinker, thats why when I'm not with them I don't drink at all. In conclusion social drinking = OK.

Enjoy your film ;D
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