cfg probs !!!!!!!

what can i write in console/config to see how many is to defuse teh dynamite

sorry for my pr0 english xD
You mean how much time left? There are some scripts. But they are kinda annoying (especially on ETTV my dear Polish friends ;) ) and forbidden.

Just take a look at the clock and abstract 30 secs.
not this, i need how to enable to see this fuckin line to see how many is to defuse teh dynamite
Ok sorry I misunderstood you then. It's seta cg_cursorHints "1".
tnx its working :)
its dynotimer.. it isnt allowed in cb,esl,etc...

you can dload cfg from my profile and there you have some timers.. 30second 25second dynamite timer etc... in arrows you must select timer.. example you select dynamite timer and when you see that guy planted dyno write in numpad kayboard when he planted example.. 20 then type in numpad 2 0 and that will say you when dyna blow

(sorry for my pr0 english too xD)
Talking about when your watching a demo?
he means that blue bar which comes when defusing a dynamite
you talking about bars makes me anxious ;)
cg_showtooltips "1" .. if not ask perfo
seta cg_cursorHints "1" np.
3 replies too late
seta cg_cursorHints "7" ftw
you're pathetic =D
you're too cunning for me
Fiji Maikel has indeed such a script
something like smart
like smart fox
allways forget to exec :O) gonne need to put it in meh config:D
mmmmmmmm xfire tijd is verneukt of klok uur vooruit:O)
Asscrawling with lies make you happy? :D
Don't end our conversations like this. There is no space to reply. >:/
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