back from ze club.

Hi. Finally back from denmark and SHGopen.

The LAN was actually much more fun then i had expected. The matches was good, the players was nice, and the admins did a great job. The entire event went out without any problems at all.. atleast not for the players in dtekt. (if u dont consider our 5th place, who was abit lower then what we aimed for)

Some thoughts about the lan and players:

Perfo: First of all, you are good. You are really good. People can spam how much you cheat for ever, but you really impressed me in Denmark.

Gifty: You are a really nice guy. Was fun to talk to you. And you are an amazing rifle... i was very impressed when i specced you a few times. (not when u were morning-tired:D hehe)

Darky: Same for you as for Gifty. A really nice guy and fun to talk to. Hope to see both of you at a future lan.

senji and jakazc: I appreciated that you guys came over to the dtekt - team saturday night to say hi (or bye), when we were on our way out of Bella Center. Was nice to meet you guys.

Lab and Adacore: Thanx for a great tournament. You guys did a really good job, and you allways answered to our questions, without any whine. Hope to see you @ another lan to:D

Levz: As you said yourself, you are arrogant online. And you did your best to make it 100% sure that you are allso arrogant offline. I see your point, but what you dont understand, is that beeing arrogant is anyway wrong, online or offline. Standing infront of the dtekt team with a silly smile and say that Lakaii and me sucks, that we suck online and suck at lan, and pointing out that u are arrogant makes me feel sad for you. You should reconsider your behavour. Im sure u will make alot more friends then.

And to all on crossfire:

I see there is alot of pictures from the lan. What in the name of Jebus makes u wanna flame someone for their look? People are in several journals talking about different players and how they look. Is this really important? This isnt a fucking model-show/tournament.

If it really makes u feel better, to flame someone about their look, I feel really sorry for you.

Making yourself be more "leet", cause you talk shit about others, is probably the lowest thing to do on earth.

Grow the hell up, and let people play the game they love, use crossfire as site for issues about the game and community without having to read if ur overweight, have bad hear, ugly shoes, wrong color on your pants, or to big nose.

To the jackass who ripped up our car: If i ever find you, i will cut your balls of with my key. The same way you used your key to make the biggest scratch ever on the entire side of the car we had rented. You are one lowlife retard. Makes dtekt get a new cost of around 1000 euros. Thanx.. i really wanted to pay another 200 euros for this trip, since i didnt use enough allready.

Apart from my last 2 outbursts, im in a good mood. Happy to have participated at the lan, and happy to be back home.

See you all on a server in the near future:D

Nice report and lol @ car.
nice reading, again!
heres a pic of me flame me plz =(

image: Picture%206
You look like one of these dumb real lifers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to hear about the car :( that's just really pathetic (and childish says es). I hope you still enjoyed the LAN and we both hope to see you at CPC =)!

I do hope to come. but its all about the cash,, if i get sponsored, ill go for sure.

now i have to use 200 euros on the car instead of the airplane ticket to netherland
hehe ! =)
levz is an awesome guy, and if he acts arrogant you shouldn't take it too serious,
First of all even if I have no clue who u are but anyway, wb!
Nice journal :)

btw and about the car, if u find who did it ripping his balls off ONLY wouldn't be good enough, firts make him pay those 1000 euros then after sure do what u gotta do! I hope u'll find the bastard.
Sad to hear about the car - i'd blame CS'ers - they're the only retards who could do that :x
United Kingdom Adacore keyed it.

11:58| (@[CB]Adacore) LOL I LAIK KEID DTEKTS CAR!!!11
haha levz is een nerdieee !! haha
nu ben ik wel blij da ik ni gekome ben, vieze levZii
aint there an insurance (?) for the car thingy?

and nice to hear that u had a good time ;D
the insurance is 1000 euro..
well thats the money YOU need to pay. But for example when ur driving in a car and u got an accident the insurace (?) pays the damage of the other car... You were not insured(?) for this kinda things?
yes we were insured... thats why i say 1000 euros. cause thats what i have to pay, the rest of the bill takes the insurance company.

its the part we have to pay ourself u know.. if we had an accident, we would allso pay 1000 euros, even if the car was totaly destroyed.

now its probably only damaged for around 1200 euros.. which we have to pay 1000 of...:<<<
thats fucked.
nice read tbh

shame bout the twats that go there though, surely if that retard was standing infront of u saying u suck y didnt u pick up your montir and smash it over his head ?

yea cost a lil bit to replace the monitor but o so worth it seeing them looking like a fool
im not violent:D
lol maybe that why i shouldnt go to lans ?
and also that im not skilled enuf but shh bout that >.<
nice snuble wp
nice read
btw: you might want to have a look at levz's latest comments.
WB snuble! was great to watch you and dtekt playing! had some shitload of unluckyness the last 2 matches you played but anyways grats for the 5th place
go die of aids nexusferia
i was joking dont be mad =[

can i buy you round glasses for your birthday? :D
btw you look normal @ giftys pic :o)
because on the group pics i didnt had time to do my hair because i woke up too late andwe were being kicked out of the hostel :d
_do you hair_, you mean like fuck them?
hi2usnuble :d
you played amazing as fieldops as well for the parts i saw on ettv and the 2nd game you played against us :>
thanx perfo:D <3
The car thing is fucked up, totally uncalled for - should have been Wizzel's monitor instead! >:D
i lold irl:D wizzels monitor:D

btw, Unix has the best monitor ever...
Welcome home, snuble, was fun to play against you guys, didn't know what to expect. :P

Really unfortunate about the car, pretty pathetic that someone would do that, but that's life. Hope you can afford it.

Congratulations on your 5th place by the way! right:D

anyway, congrats on 3rd.. was well played sol. to bad i didnt talk to u during the lan.. was so many there to contact, and i kinda got lost:<<

we will share a beer or something next time i hope!
Well I wasn't being sarcastic when I said congratulations. :P

Too many people to talk to and too little time, would be nice if it all lasted longer.
yeah.. and i wish next time more teams are sleeping at same hotel.. cause then its like bigger chanse to take some beers in the hotel bar together before people go out chick-hunting.

and as i said in another comment.. I WANT TO LOOSE MONEY IN POKER VS U GUYS:DDED!!!
nice journal!
good read snuble !
;D Snuble didn't get the fact that levz was only joking :P
levz actually complimented snuble on playing good in the trip back :P
Ill remember to thank him then:D
it didnt look like you got that fact either on the trip back to norway lakaii!! please..:D
<3 snuble :[

everyone raise a dtekt fund and pay 1 euro each imo!

was just kidding meight :p
good levz:D

cause i really enjoyed talking to you the first 2 days:D

thats why i didnt really understand why u suddently talked crap on sunday:D

<3 u to now:D

you do have a point tho, i'm going to see if i can become nicer!
don't get your hopes up im a dickhead:D
i left because i had a game

i insulted you ingame and all you did was cry :[
Snuble, you owned when I watched you on ETTV.
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