It's A Fine Day

It's really fine day, sun is shining in clear blue sky and it's only -10C. I'm trying to think what to do. I could go ski a bit, i could go walk a bit, i could go snap some photos or i could stay inside and rot.

What should i do?

Opus III feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw - It's A Fine Day
Nostalgic shite.
stay inside and rot like the rest of us
work on your math skills like me =]

and of course leech the university bandwith dling jericho /o\
How did you know i have exam coming up @ 28th ? :O
I'm gonna get the book from library tomorrow!
i got a math test 2nd of march ;o
say NO to real life!
say YES to real life and you can forget that virtual dancer on your desktop!
I have no dancers on desktop :( Where can i get them (for linux)? :(
get emo it really rox i heard
wtf is this question OFC play ET & wank or smthing like that
kill yourself
and it´s only -10C .. that sounds so damn nice :D
anyway +10C here and i will skate a little bit so u should go sking :)
the day is too good to stay off a random public server
go skiing !
Download the MR Sam cd. Some nice tracks on it.
I don't like Mr.Sam, too bangin' and weird stuff :)
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