Spawntimer but now a bit different.

There is any script which makes this:

i press the button and when my spawntime getting closer to 0, before it some milisec it kills me with forcetapout (AUTOMATICALLY)

So button pressed (countdown)

I always miss the fucked up spawning :(
perfo has answered this, now run along
not without extern h4xX imo!
Maybe that nexus bot you were using has some feature like that, you could always ask them to implement it too.
i like you comments:>
"Some people at crossfire might see you as a laming, spamming and anoying person. Is this the real sol, or has some alien life-form taken over your body?
It is the real 'sol', I suppose I have a rather outspoken internet persona, but those people that do know me more (such as clanmates, ex-clanmates, and internet 'friends' ) could confirm that I'm often just taken too seriously, on xfire for example, which can cause people to misjudge me. I can't blame people for thinking I'm an asshole, but I also don't care, since it's of little consequence to me. It's just too easy to wind people up, especially those who don't have a good command of the English language. I just think that people take me too seriously, but it makes me laugh, and I'm sure others find it amusing too, so...meh!"

yes u r an asshole
i heard sol has some experience about not getting fullspawn
i heard mrozu has some experience about pluging in a LAN cable
thats right, check my lan achievements

you can make it yourself for your specific fps by testing and finding out the correct "wait x" amount
you wont be able to move if you use the "wait x" command
doesnt wait command like freezes your whole movement?
its like using sol's computer.
so true

please sol pause more in most important games next time
Nice breaking about 5 PCs.
i didnt break any, fuck you :DDDDDD
it was [flag=stoned] blaze imo
fantastic idea
To do that your "script" would have to know when your spawntime is. It would probably have to be an external hack/hook of some kind with the ability to send commands to the game and read your spawntime from it. You could cut out the reading spawntime by setting it yourself at the start though since that would most likely be easier.
you could do it with a script but you wouldnt be able to move while it counts down, so what's the point?
i want to use when rush out 5 sec before the spawn...u know at supply for example. to surprise people and than suddenly spawn back.
Quotei want to use when rush out 5 sec before the spawn...u know at supply for example. to surprise people

I'm sure nobody would ever expect it.
its not about expect or not... everyone will expect but i need something like this coz skill mainly based on timing and i miss always spawning. thats not good.
Mayb but i'm not sure, u can just press ur selfkill button on time?
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