shgopen players

since i was away on weekend i'd like some info about it
no dignitas pwnd everything but i'd like to know how wizzel/perfo etc played...
perfo played well, but he sucked at poker. h3h3h3
i killed night with one hand so plZ
pokernubs :DDD daw: DAWpd
hEy Do You RemEmbErt WHEn We PlAYeD pOkeR And sOl AnD Night lEFt At 8 iN ThE morNiNG AfTEr lEavIng m&Ms iN SlEEpInG PeOplE'S EaRS?
sol.. next time. please invite me to poker:D i know how to loose loads of money:DDDD
Wizzel shot more bodyshots than headshots! Remarkable ;)
and some nice TKs
perfo was ownage as usual.
Perfo played very nice... but i didnt saw wizzel do anything special.. ineter imo
ask perfo
perfo ownage

wizzel@lan = crapwizzel

rest of dtekt guys played well

jakazc is onlineonly

bm is lanonly
*wizzel@lan = nocheaterwizzel
dtekt sucked
lol it was funny when u said "jakazc wants to say something"
you and jak stood there giggling like school girls and then you guys said "eh, hrm, we want to say good bye so we no get flamed on internet"

when we answered you guys started to shift in your shoes.. why are u guys so insecure?
when we shook your hands you guys got so nervous u didnt know what to do

now that was something we were laughing about later that night
when you were clubbing and snuble got lots of girls`?
i dont know whats wrong , but i didnt even want to talk with u but since we(dignitas) got flamed by snuble ,i just went there to say hello(and bye) atleast . Next time if u want to talk with someone u can come and say hello .
snuble flamed u?
that must have been a misunderstanding
well it wasnt rly "flame" but he said we didnt want talk with u tho u didnt even try to talk with us .

and i hope ur 24/7 clubbing was nice
twas fuking ownage

mate.. i didnt flame:<<

i just said it was hard to get in touch with u guys.

and as I said in my journal:

i appreciated that u guys came to say hi:<<
thats not a nice thing to say :<. so as a comeback i will say that your online nickname fits your thick glasses and spotted face :<
alexL lan only
no, im not going to lan in other countries :D:D:
harry pwned, others were ok
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