q4 patch 1.4 beta

for the people who plays q4 and have tried the new features coming along with the new patch ( new railgun, 125 fps, better netcode, new hitboxes) .
Is it worth reinstalling the game in order to try it, or does it still suxx?

random link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PD1_puuceg0
play et dood
i do , but i bought q4 and was disapointed :(
It's an improvement but still not q3 ~/
q4 sux / cs r0x
It's really good. Since 1.3 game is much better than Q3 (smoother movement, more balanced weapons) and with 1.4 it's even better than before. No more railwhores \o/

I'm getting more and more addicted and don't even think about playing ET again. Q4 FTW!

Feel free to pm me when you want to play a duel, I'm always up for it
duels suck, ca ftw
:D :'< why cant we just select a lower DX level
im playin too, but do i have to reinstall the game for a patch:X?
Just install new patch on top of your current instalation. Remember, however, that it's only beta (there are some minor bugs) and not all servers switched to it yet.
whats new about rail?
dmg lowered to 90, 5 slugs when you pick a weapon and maximum 10 slugs.
And new hitboxes (better approximation or player model) make it harder to hit rail (especially close range lotto ones).
NO MORE RAILWHORES! (I used to be one :P)
I like the changes. Definitely worth a reinstall, what's it going to cost you?

Note that me saying this means that I am genuinely impressed as I have been a huge Quake IV sceptic for a long while. Check my column. :)
Lots of ppl having been raving about it, i'd say go for it
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