bdmatt caught hacking, also nonlinear dynamics

Prominent North American Enemy Territory Player BD|Matt, also affiliated with the teams SNL, Team America, and more recently Overrated was caught hacking. Long time suspected, finally caught.


AVI #1
AVI #2
NIGGEr !!!!!!
when i try to watch the video my firefox gets an error and closes, help please
take matt.mp4 out of the link, and download it from the clip folder
did you check yawn etc?
i havent looked at the demo or any links, jsut want to make sure there is proof his ip was on the server etc :)
He was on ventrilo with me, and he said lag did it, so he admits its him.
link to the sound recording?
the hack is undetected so wont show any kicks, it is widely known that is him in both avi's

contact #carpe.diem! aandw for server logs and info
i trust u men, good job
i knew it !
mouse bug
noone cares
Can wait for evan's comment bragging about how good matt is.
why would i defend him ? in all fairness i couldn't give a shit
lol its Meth!!!!!!!!!!
BD|Matt: Oh, I get it. I'm supposed to get in your car and let you put your finger inside me. Then if I go down on you I won't get busted for hax.

BD|Matt's mother: Let me explain to you the kind of haxer BD|Matt is. He's a man who knows that when you put another man's hax on your hard drive, you make a pact. A bond that cannot be broken.
By the way alea35...did you know you're on the Netcoders busted list?
dunz is a cunt
So can u flick away from a guy and flick back EXACLTY on him in less than 0.5 sec. I tried for 10 mins with a very high sens (couldn't move fast enough otherwise) and i didnt manage to make it once.
True, but it's impossible to be sure based on one isolated incident like this... For all you know it could be a bug in ET, his mouse or mouse drivers, replays, etc. Almost definately not, but I'd look for more proof before doing something like banning him.
The problem with bots of such level is they hardly ever fail.
nerd hehehe
Date Body Author
29 Oct 10 Posting inappropriate images in a journal msh100
23 Aug 10 Posted a journal titled "Trolled Hard" the picture in it. Warned him. Arachon
HAHA matt:D <3
has to be the fucking worst evidence ever used to "bust" someone ever! well done alea (you yourself are banned on twl no?) and rapt6rr
Evan, i seriously doubt you are the right person to tell us about busting hackers :)
why not? being an hacker himself he might know a thing or two about hacks

also this is haxx, b99sted
That would be a great argument for alea35, but evan got busted in cod.
rofl. THATS GREAT THAT MY FUCKING ACCOUNT GOT TURNED INTO A PUBLIC ONE. not sure who gave my password out. but i didnt post this article or any comments so far. THANKS A LOT DICKHEADS NOW I HAVE TO CHANGE MY PASSWORD. and no i'm not banned in TWL atm and no that isn't me on that netcoders list. check the other thread for the reason why. but basically the guy who used it is from canada, and i'm from hawaii.
That's weird. However it could result from a bad mouse and/or some momentary packetloss spike. I used to have similar stuff all the time back when I used some random Logitech mouse, the mouse just had its own choreographies every now and then. Wouldn't ban anyone based on just that clip, even though it looks really interesting indeed.
Agree, most crap mice or laser mouse do exactly the same when you move them to fast to the left or the right. The goes all the way up instead of moving to the left or right.

I dunno how he got his mouse back in position that fast :/
"True, but it's impossible to be sure based on one isolated "incident like this... For all you know it could be a bug in ET, his mouse or mouse drivers, replays, etc. Almost definately not, but I'd look for more proof before doing something like banning him"

Well, I can see that attitude, its a healthy one (nizou too). Euro players dont have the background for it though.

In NA BDmatt has been suspected as pure Hacker Trash forever in ET. Multiple knowledgeable people have thought it, and stated it,complained about it, to me on vent for what seems like years now. So with the background that near everyone thinks he is hacker trash, lets examine reality:

The video is not reproducible. Its clearly impossible. Raptor took the time to try it out as well.

Mouse error? What mouse error could possibly produce that? I do not believe any "error" would track instantly back to an enemy. As I understand the data stream of xy "deltas" and such, no friggin way. Reyalp can certainly chime in, but to me, its nonsensical.

The only question is if thats really him. And multiple players with good standing have said it is him.

So unless a really knowlegeable guy like reyalp steps in here, and educates us about some bizarre mouse error, BDmatt has simply FINALLY been caught : )

BDmatt needs to be banned from competition.

Hopefully more trash will be caught here soon : )

Nice job guys.
well it is a machine movements. and like some say it is very unlikly that its a mouse fuckup .

so it comes to a bot ore a 180 script ive tested and came close some times.

but i dont know its a bit confusing tho just the one who have the demmo send it in to the admins and let them diside.

it is not hard proff to get him banned by a avi tho so the demmo shuld be it.

ive speced him so many scrims during the years and he have did amzing shoot but never that clear that it looks like a bot
yea yea w/e im wating for how the outcome it this will be sory about my terrible eng;) <3
ughhhh i just creamed my pants
you people crack me up their are 2 clips where his mouse flicked the one on adlernest if you watch the demo happened during a lag spike when he had almost 200+ ping

Herf you played with redman so you now are associated with playing an entire season with a hacker sup?
Daaaaaaaaamn, never thought I would see that day.
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