ET on Windows 2003

Do you know some compatible drivers with ATI on Windows 2003? I get and OpenGL initialization when trying to run ET :<. Any help is welcome. Thanks!
Format c:

Knoppix-installer np
windows server 2003?
directx is disabled on it iirc you gotta turn it on >_>
I enabled it... The prob is that i dont find dirvers on Oo. I installed win 200 drivers but i cant configure them :<.
QuoteYou should NOT enable DirectX and Graphic Acceleration on this OS. It is a server, and is meant to be used as one.
Ye ye i read that... but windows 2000 was a server as well and has graphic support. Blah... i put gentoo then.
ET doesn't use directx but opengl :P

im learning the difference as we speak my kind sir!
so i quote mr microsoft himself
Quote by Bill GatesAll drivers for Windows Server 2003 are maintained and deployed by Microsoft. This operating system currently provides drivers for RAGE XL products only.

While Windows Server 2003 display drivers are not available from ATI directly, you may obtain updates through Windows Update, or other deployment option from Microsoft.

Windows Server 2003 is positioned as a business and corporate enterprise server Operating System. It is not intended for home or personal use.
welcome to the real world of mickeysoft
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