ventrilo recording?

how can i record sounds from ventrilo?
same like it is in Modus Operandi: Vindication ?
download a tool to record sound and press RECORD!
lets make a no-reply journal .x
you got banned :DA:DSA:D:A:AD:S:D:D::A:SD::S::A:A::::::::::::::::DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
super mp3 recorder <- with free version you can only record in 30 sec - periods.
You can record your soundcard audio output by putting the "record" option in your volume controls to "what you hear", then using any standard recording app to record - you can easily enough find free .wav recorders and lame will (if you work out how to use it) convert those .wav files to .mp3's.

I think this might have the effect, however, of (a) meaning you can't actually speak on vent (since your microphone is no longer the recording input device) and (b) if you have voice activation, echoing everything back to the other people connected.

These problems could be avoided by connecting a separate recorder computer to the vent, and just using that to record, I guess.

Not actually tested it though, so it might be completely wrong. Ask one of the shoutcaster guys (Toss, for example). It's basically whatever they do to record their casts.
fets = fetsig?
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