cool game.

nvm, i thought it was like linerider
h8 this gay rider
wnb elastomania
open map > paste. you'll laugh
1i,1i,-7m,1i -6b,1f,-4m,m -4o,-4p,-4b,-2n -56,f,-65,-f -4g,-8,-4p,-5 -4p,-5,-4u,2 -50,a,-58,p -58,p,-58,10 -4u,2,-4r,9 -4r,9,-4l,c -4b,-2n,-31,-53 -44,-13,-45,-1l -45,-1l,-3o,-13 -3o,-13,-3m,-1n -37,-1k,-3b,-11 -45,4,-45,-2 -45,-2,-48,-6 -48,-6,-4d,-9 -4d,-9,-4i,-9 -4j,d,-4c,d -4c,d,-47,9 -47,9,-45,4 -4l,e,-4q,q -31,-53,-2v,-2s -2v,-2s,-m,-5v -2h,-1l,-2u,-1k -2u,-1k,-35,-1d -2j,-11,-2h,-1k -2h,-1k,-24,-1r -24,-1r,-1v,-1m -35,-1d,-32,-12 -32,-12,-2m,-v -2m,-v,-2l,-15 -2l,-15,-2s,-19 -2a,-15,-22,-15 -22,-15,-27,-r -27,-r,-2j,-11 -2o,4,-4n,o -55,r,-29,1c -d,-5e,30,-5r -1r,-p,-1f,-1o -1f,-1o,-1g,-r -3,-1r,-j,-1g -1m,-17,-1d,-17 -j,-1g,-i,-14 -i,-14,-7,-18 -7,-18,-1,-u -1,-u,-e,-m -r,1i,be,1i -1i,1i,1i,1i 19,-5i,a,-2p a,-1u,15,-22 p,-20,n,-11 1a,-1c,1c,-24 1c,-24,1n,-2a 1l,-v,1a,-1c 2b,-2s,4r,-6m 1n,-2a,21,-1v 21,-1v,20,-1b 2k,-29,2c,-r 3r,-2c,33,-24 3c,-11,32,-26 20,-1b,1l,-v 2c,-r,30,-u 3m,-4k,5o,-44 36,-1j,3o,-1j 3a,-10,3v,-12 4r,-6m,6q,-4i 54,-t,5c,-2i 5c,-2i,5p,-11 5p,-11,6d,-2k 6d,-2k,6m,-t 7b,-2h,7h,-1d 7h,-1d,7u,-2h 7h,-1d,78,-o 8n,-15,8s,-2k 8s,-2k,9c,-2d 9j,-20,97,-1l 97,-1l,8v,-1l 8v,-1l,99,-1a 99,-1a,9k,-10 9k,-10,91,-u 91,-u,8n,-v 9c,-2d,9j,-20 a6,-11,ac,-2m b2,-2i,as,-t au,-1m,bs,-2c bs,-2c,au,-1n au,-1n,bf,-12 c0,-p,c6,-2d c6,-2d,d4,-1v cs,-q,c0,-p c2,-1h,cq,-1e be,1i,mm,1i do,-14,e6,-2a df,-k,dm,-k dm,-k,dj,-d dj,-d,df,-k mm,1i,1le,1j ok,-u,ok,-27 ok
wasn't your bike anyways... you stole it from some chinese kid!
Why isn't the apeman moving?
remove the line where he is standing on with the rubber
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