About the cheaters

There has been a lot of talk about cheaters lately, so I decided to also write down some of my own thoughts about this subject. But instead of writing about the cheaters theirself, I wanted to write about the guys who are playing with the cheaters.

Why is it that people do have to play with the cheaters? Even still after the cheater has already been busted of cheating. Why do people have to cause even more harm to the et-scene with playing with the cheaters? If the cheaters would just be left out alone, the problem wouldn't be that big.

I understand that you wanna trust your friend, if someone is accusing him of cheating, but what if the cheater has already been busted of cheating?

Lets take mize as an example, although there are many other guys who I could take as an example also. He was busted of using wallhack and he even admitted it himself, could the case be any more clear than that? But still many guys are playing with him and keep saying "but he isn't banned from CB". So even if you know that he has been busted of cheating, you see it as alright to play with him, just because CB hasn't banned him yet?

I would've written a more proper text about this as a column, but since I can predict that the replies will mostly just include whine from the guys who do play with mize for example in this case, I didn't want to waste more time for writing this text.

Flame on.
good point
I realized that about 1 month ago. So I stopped playing ET.
that's hot, lets all stop :D
I just can't take it anymore. I dont play with cheaters :/
I like you :)
whine bubbu

u better look behind urself every 5 mins cuz maybe there could be a cheater
I don't blame people for playing with guys who aren't proven to be cheaters, so there really aren't that many players to watch out for.
i cant get why u r so focused on this things like u dont even wanna prac against them... i could understand this attitude by a real noob who has no idea about such things but not by an ec player tbh. mize isnt busted at cb and not at any other league. so u maybe have to play against him on offi and there u cant just say that u arent playing against cheaters
Nope, I'm not gonna give up on that thing. I'd even forfeit an EC game if they would have a guy playing who has been proven to be cheating, as a protest against that league for not banning the guy for cheating.
so u would fuck up ur whole team cuz one player of the opponents team got caught hacking some months ago? n1^^
Surely I would, becouse I don't wanna play with a guy who wants to play with cheaters, so I wouldn't care if they'd get fucked up for wanting to play with cheaters.
i think u have to live with it but u can quit gaming aswell but i honestly dont care about it and i dont care about ur opinion cuz u wont reach anything with this journal like "everyone who ever played with a cheater should get banned"
Why have you already replied 4 times to my opinion then if you don't care about it? And could you please read the journal before commenting on it, thanks.
cuz i wanna tell u that its pointless what u are doing and i read ur journal this was just a reply to one of the comments u wrote
It's pointless to tell your own opinion? So you think that like all the politicians and writers for example are doing pointless jobs when they're telling their opinions?
its not pointless to have an opinion, its just pointless to try to reach smth impossible with this strange jounral cuz weve seen such things like 50 times before
What am I trying to reach with this journal then? When I was writing this, my idea was just to tell my own opinion and wake up some conversation with it.
ihan turhaa sää twidille vittuilet
i dont speak ur language lol
ich habe scheisse in meinen lederhosen
mitäs vittuilit
i would too. he wallhacked, got away apparently with it, and you just forgive him? ban for lief to all cheaters
i would understand the folding if there was mize playing @ EC match against us :) the problem is that how deep mize's dick is up in snoop's ass atm :o)
im sure mize isnt cheating now and although mize's reason to cheat that 1 time was rather ridiculous it doesnt mean i never want to play with him again
Yes, but he should already be banned by CB, if they would be doing their work better. After he has served his ban, then I'll sure give him a second chance, just like in razz's case.
why the fak did cb remove lifetime ban anyways?
isnt an excuse, cheat is a cheat -> ban
true true
Although some guys cheat, they're still nice persons. They're people you can have a laugh with and if they cheat this doesnt change and you will still enjoy playing with these persons.

Cheating doesn't make you a bad person and I will never stop playing mize, just because he cheated once. I like him as a person and I like to play with him therefore I will continue playing with him and I don't care what you think about that =).
So if the cheater is a nice person, it's fine to play with him?
Well you can't blame people for playing with a person they like right?
If they're playing against the rules, yes you can blame. I heared that atleast in the American leagues they do ban also the players who've been playing with the cheater, wouldn't be a bad idea to use that rule here in the European leagues also. Checked that one and it wasn't correct, so forget about it, but I still think that the players who are been playing with the cheaters should be punished too besides the cheater itself.
if u have nothing to say and trying to get some attantion just post some old logs ;]
u still agree with those?
I think its relevant then.
what an useful conversation
for the 1st time i agree with decem
really good log, whats ur opinion then?
That's a bullshit rule =) I can play with whoever I want and that doesn't make me a cheater nor do I violate any rules with that.
i hardly think all of the ppl playing in clans play coz they like the other members... but i guess everyone has his own fucked up logic ;//
I wouldn't play in a clan where I dislike the members, one of the reasons I left my last clan was because I didn't like one of the members.
i am 100% agree with wesbo!
thats the reason why cheaters keep on playing, theyll always find someone to play with and wheres the ban then?
I'll bust you 8)
true, if the cheaters had no one to play with, they would not be able to play 3v3s or 6v6s.

once a person is busted people should just say good bye and get someone else to play with
yeah, u wrote my opinion tkx
23:25 <@twidi> menkää ny joku ees flameemaa!
23:25 <@twidi> liian positiivisia kommentteja tullu xfiren käyttäjilt

haista vittu huora
mikä huora mä sulle oon
i dont agree. cause i never really been a cb / anticheat warrior, and i still play with the m8s that have been busted. I am the cancer that is killing ET.
agree. I cant understand teams that play with known and busted cheaters.. fost & mize for example?
i can agree with fost cause he is cocky asshole who suddenly became good and claims to be clean until he is busted

however mize is a little different, he has always been a good player, and the proof was very obvious which shows that he tried to get busted.

however thats just my opinion
Nice journal!
I'm playing with guys banned from CB for cheating on public server!!!!!!11

btw this coming from Finland chmpp's (yawntriangle!!!1!!!11) clanmate xD
I think he said "proven cheaters".
only when it comes to little closet geek fucks should that logic be applied to Dear loekino
I agree. Liek when I'm playing with Finland enSam and he's pwning then all the opponents say " Liek LOL oMMaGaD yawntriangel pffff CHEAT" cos he has the triangle from publiccheat (which he got banned for too lately)
yeah, nexus was public only
why can't guys like mize play officials after the clanbase ban (without hacks ofc) ?
Where did I say that he couldn't? As far as I known I only commented on that on my reply to rbnt on this journal.

twidi on 21/02/07, 00:38:18 Del | Edit | Reply

Yes, but he should already be banned by CB, if they would be doing their work better. After he has served his ban, then I'll sure give him a second chance, just like in razz's case.
coz all cups work via clanbase.
So if your irl friend got busted u wouldnt play with him anymore?
Right, and you also have to kick his ass @ rl
I don't play computergames with my irl friends, I do other stuff with them.
but if they played...
Mm.. that's a bit though one, gotta say, but I wouldn't play with him in any official atleast, becouse that's against the rules and I should get banned myself then, too. Might play some random mixeds with him, if he would ask me to play, but I'd understand if someone wouldn't want to play against us if my mate would've been busted of cheating.
Totally agree!

People playing with known cheaters should be punished when the cheater is getting busted, it's like hanging around with some guy who is killing somebody now and then and you know it, if the state/government/police finds out about it you will also be punnished for being "medeplichtig (Dunno the word for that in english)
Dat's echt onzin lavod. Als je een goed voorbeeld wilt geven is dat je om gaat met een crimineel waarvan je weet dat hij crimineel is. Daarvoor kan je niet veroordeelt worden. Als je gezien hebt dat iemand vermoord word en het niet zegt tegen de politie dan ben je medeplichtig.
The problem is that u dont see why they still play with those ppl, says sumthing about how seriously u take this game. As long as the cheaters dont play offi's i dont really care. I will play with any1 as long as i can have a good laugh/conversation with the person no matter if he cheats/is lowskill or whatever.
ask perfo he knows
there are lans in ET, who cares about online any way...
Its a cheater.
Glad you agree with us.
Now fuck off.
100% agree to twidi ...
if someone hacks.... ban him for the rest of his life in this game!
if a team is playing with a cheater and knows that he cheats... ban the whole team
I'm always scared that mize feels like quitting the game when I play vs him. :-(
every1 noes kamz, so cb must ban everyone, soz guise
whos kamz?
well i dont know about u, but the game mize got busted in was in september afaik.
cb cba to ban him anymore since it went so slow. then the ban for hacking outside a cb-game is 6 months. september + 6 months would make march. if you'd ban him now it should be for only one month or even less.
he hasnt played any CB officials in the time which has passed, so he is allowed to play after march again.
hey, i was about to post that :(
it would be a better idea if someone linked etkeys to hardware spec. that way, once banned they couldn't come back.

apologies for appalling grammar, i'm just about to go to bed.
I say my general opinion. In pracs I don't care if ppl hax or not, so I don't mind if someone plays with haxers, as long as he accepts the fact that his friend hax, and doesn't try to protect some blatant ppl. In offis it's really another story. There I don't understand anyone who gets involved with haxers.
i hate that ppl that hack in some 3on3 matches vs me when we are trying to pracc
nah, it's just a good challenge... it's hard to find high enemies otherwise :P

ofc it's boring if they use some hs bot and u can't even shoot before seeing them, but wh's and humanized bots are ok to prac against
i can't believe that u said that :x
isn't it boring to rape enemies in spawn (Although they would look for high)... imo it's much better have some competition :)
but its fun to flame a mixteam you lost within 3 minutes on radar, right?
ye if they look for high and are lowmed
why did you loose it then?
because we couldn't care less to play against some lowmed mixeds, and we didn't lose
how could you knew it was lowmed, if they set 3 mins on the first map at the first attack?
wow, they must be pro if we open the door and give them suit and don't even shoot them back when they take the parts :D ?

they can be also low- or vlow, it doesn't need much skills to run some radar parts when no one is shooting at u, does it?
be happy to have some competition playing those guys! :-D
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