no ja odvisno kasn sens ti bl ugaja ; ) men je bil 3 leta ql... pa se cist je vidt kokr nov ; ) qpad steelpad pa je tud kr fajn.. sm ga enkrt pr frendu stestiru :P
I have a question, i'm viewing playboy in adobe acrobat reader, but it takes such a huge memory ;-@ its like 60mb file but my memory goes up and up and up and it laggs viewing it :-@ any experts on the subject? 60mb file should it take 400mb of memory? ;-@@
i have steelpad s&s atm, but its too small for my low sens, thats why i wanna buy a bigger one :[
smrdi sam ka je van iz unga "lonca xD" patignes pol pa niha omg
sej tu pise u unmu reviewu ad feuerstorma :D
smierdzi jak morska woda xD