mouse pad is with shit on it.

How to clean a a mousepad? No , not a metal mousepad like razer & co. I mean like "allsop" , or steelpad , or Qpad & etc... With water and some peace of material ? Or there is some special shit to clean it , thanx for help.
I just throw it in the washing machine, works fine if you dont use too high temperatures
use ajax

urtier dose it
Yes, urtier sprays Ajax on his cloth mousepad.
well whoever it was then :S
Are you kidding me?
but he have glass/plastic pad so...
sand paper
BBQ cleaner
microfibre cloth dab of water not soaking wet wipe that's what works credit to feur for the tip!
maybe you have link to that all shit about mousepad mady by feur
i use glasex :(
Ja, heerlijk hè?
I use pampers -.-
eww i see a foot
random pic @ google
faster reply plz
hoi vessarji, just buy a 4 euro pad like me and then just use some warm water to get it clean omfg
hoi , i have allsop.. finnish ones

first it was out @ some fin guy , then stolen from him , then 1 guy got it from the Estoniastealer it was @ him over a year , then i playd with it over 6 months , then i sold it out to my friend, he playd with it over 8 months , and back again he stopped playing and i was without a pad and he gave it back for free, so i guess u understand the "status" of this pad.
care, just buy a new cheap one ^^
vessaR removed you as a buddy!
vessaR has added you to his buddylist !

omg i must be famous now :)
clean it with MICROFIBERCLOTH. you can get one from any shop, costs like 5-10 euros or smth
washing machine every 3 months, and still working fine (QcK)
Just pee on it.
i got cum on it its almost white
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