wtf ET prob

internet is working fine etc

i connect to an ET server, there is a free spot, im spec, i want to join a team, and at that moment my whole screen just freezes. I cant do anything anymore, ctrl+alt+del doesnt work, and i have to reboot, wtf is wrong?
format, maybe is virus, worm , trojan horse or somthing like that
moet je gwn ff w8ten dan kan je weer verder..
learn to play,
you are gay
i used to get that and couldnt fix it so i left et for 6 months then it miraculously worked again xD
did u overclock gfx or cpu?
loL phAZ you suck!
blame pb
arme phaz :(
if it was a virus or spyware then your ET wouldn't start at all so my guess is that it's a PB problem so try updating your PB

how to do that? :o
C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\pb

run pbweb.exe
side effect of using nexus
i lold... again ;)
elke keer opnieuw
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