Looking for..

A team to go to CPC2 with! Either a drinking team or if I have to, i'll try play some ET as well.

I will supply my own kilt!

pm Pedro in #crossfire
a drinking team xD...

hehe GL
Bring back dan from OZ and reform SG...
Get grabby back in employment and promote from teaboy to beer monkey.
The boy wants to stay longer but if they throw him out, he will be back next month.
to go to command post 2?
i guess you mean CPC2, dont you?
Good edit, your previous "*CPC2" would have been enough like. Sure, we can go to the command post if you like, since you aren't old enough to actually get into a bar.
no or it would probably be deleted for spam :)
Would be cool to have a real Scottish person there, I lost count of how many times decem and Mrozu made some joke to me about haggis. Despite the fact that I had told them many times that I'm Irish and not Scottish, they still continued. Now you can suffer those jokes! :<

BTW CU@LAN pedro!!
That sounds like a challenge!

Don't let Mrozu and decem bully you, next time, just call them "nabjes" and run away giggling. Once they give chase, just run to the nearest toilet and lock yourself in a cubicle.

That will teach them.
When is CPC2 , if i can get a job sometime soon, i may be able to get enough money to go :<
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