ET problem.

here is the problem:

i connect to a server, everything looks normal
when i join the server, im spec (obviously)
i join a team, and wait till i spawn

then, out of nothing, my screen freezes. I cant do anything, ctrl+alt+del etc doesnt work, and i have to restart my computer by using the on/off button

I tried updating my pb yesterday, and i checked my computer for spyware, but it doesnt work

wtf is this? how to solve it



EDIT: i also installed new drivers, and i even opened my computer and fuckin cleaned it all, and it still doesnt work
try new graphix drivers
seems to be a problem with a new pbversion
try to play on servers without punkbuster and see if it works
but turn cl_allowdownload to 0 before you connect
try cg_gun_frame "0" put it in autoexec :O)
same happens to me sometimes, but only when i connect to efter with the priv slots pass :x
I have exactly the same problem.2 days ago this thing avg virus protecion was over and i dw new 30 trial avg virust protection.
So after that went to play ET and 5 sek on server and pc freezes nothing do to , just like phaz. us !!
Phaz is gay ole ole!
erm, i had same problem, i write trouble ticket to evenbalance and they said me, that i should uninstall antyvirus, firewall, cd emulators :P
but i reinstalled win and all working atm.
(using F-Secure internet secuirty)

but check first - maybe you have getright running or OSA9 from ms office - it can conflict with pb
ehrm what exactly to do with ms office? im an incredible noob with computers, thanks
if you have running in background OSA9.exe (check in task manager) kill this process, it can help.
its not in it
polska pc!
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