endless rape

Having been absent from ET for more than a year because of studying abroad for a year in Galway, Ireland, I noticed some peculiar, unpleasant changes. It now seems to be common an strictly enforced that there will be no pursuing of the objective, only constant and unceasingly annoying spawnraping. No different stages anymore, no trying to achieve a goal, just fragging. While pubs have never been a bastion of challenging and coordinated play, they now just seem to be mindnumbingly boring, and populated by annoying, arrogant kids who constantly try kickvoting anyone who kills them, annoys them in any way or merely takes the objective. I am not saying it used to be perfectly enjoyable, but I at least remember that "ratiowhore" used to be an insult, not a compliment.
Shouldn't it be?
Are ya talking like a bogger livin down in galway for a year?!
I was living in Galway, then returned to Belgium.
Good times. Lived in Salthill, 50 metres from the sea. My only complaints were that the majority of people were too drunk to talk on EVERY saturday and that the prices were unbelievable. Stunning country mate!
wb blaq :-d
I see hordes of mean people coming to this thread
thats the way aha aha i like it
sad but true!
there are just few pubs were you can have some fun doing objective (and these are laggy and or empty!).
endless dick :D:D::DD:D:DD:D:D:DDD:D:DD:D
Stop these retarded smilys ffs :D
i just do them to finnish ppl
ok then.
etpro pubs > frags
Ghostworks might be something for you

Its an objective server, where you can spawnkill with light weapons (not support, panza, etc) only bad thing is you can't selfkill when you are getting attacked.

You should give it a try, its cheater free, has a lot of mature people and a nice ppl playing the server.

Everytime I play telenet I am amazed by the public owners who dont understand shit about ET, never mind the high+++ ppl who's yawn is only one day old.
dam dam dam dam dam!

Want objective, play a 6v6. Want somewhere to frag - go public... Or you could just get a life?
some people don't have time to mate.
And you personify what's wrong. It is now a virtue to insult ppl. Having a normal discussion or helping someone who asks for your help is no longer the norm, you can just BE arrogant and a total ass and get away with it.
great reply. you win.
Yeah... I remember when it was a virtue to get a covert with uniform passed ze axis on fueldump and blow up the dump, or do ninja moves over the old wall at oasis and then go plant the guns :)
Et sucks.
Yeah you fraghunters burn in hell damn you!
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