Evenbalance problems fu

I still have some problems

When i connect to a server it says failed to resolve etguidauth.evenbalance.com

says the same thing when i try to reg cdkey in console :/ got any ideas i just reinstalled the computer cause i thought it had something to do with the firewall but nothing seems to work
And now it says deleted couse of emnty cdkey :P and stuff wierd as hell i have no cdkey and i wount get any it seems :/(/
you need too install pbsetup.exe
delete pbns.dat @ C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\pb
pb sux ;/
Its like i'm NOT on the internet when i try to connect cause it show like no activites in ET wheni try to connect just awaiting connection
and i cant get any servers up on my screen :(
and it keeps saying failed to resolve etguidauth.evenbalance bla bla

i never had any problems before i changed my harddriver and changed to a router :/ you think it might be the routher
hej kristoffer halvorsen!! :o
hoi fuchs
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