ET, still fucked up

yesterday i made this journal:

i found out i CAN play on servers without PB, so its probably punkbuster that fucks up my ET. I didnt have the problem a few days ago, and i didnt do anything weird with my computer since then.

In what way can PB cause something like this, and how to solve it?

For some reason I did not figure out yet, perfo knows the answer to almost every question.

My advice would be, ask him and you'll have the solution.
try some different shit
such as

a) uploading pb *updating
b) try again
c) if it fails, try this ->

1) delete whole pb folder
2) open ET and connect to pb server
3) look if you crash or not
4. if this fails, try this:

- open pb folder
- delete pbns.dat from the folder
- try again
- if this fails, then youre fucked
Hij heeft gesproken zaak gesloten.
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Phaz is gay ole ole!
pb_disable "0" ; vstr1 ; kill ; forcetapout
also u can try this =

Uninstall ET.
Delete Wolf:ET folder
Then install ET again
also reinstall windows and then ET
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