HB Eesti (estonia)

Eesti turned 89 years old today.

On february the 24th 1918 Estonia declared it's independence. After fighting with the russians for two years the Estonians, with some volunteers from Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, beat the overwhelming odds and defeated a force twenty times larger than theirs.

Let's cheer together!
Woohoo for estonia !
rofl 89 years
evil russians!
independence? that s what about Hungary never heard of.
elloptak az oroszok a tankot benne volt a kombinalt fogo
come to irc plz wanna talk to you
im not on my pc maybe?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
then come to your pc maybe?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
Istenem a magyartudásod az egeket verdesi!!! Hungary perforator
Happy birthday Eesti!
Wp Eesti. Pela mul olid täna võistlused isegi :D
eesti was part of the sowjet union until gorbatschow from 1940 - 1991.

so where is there 89 years of independence mister?
the government was exile in another country.

I didn't say that Estonia has been free for 89 years, but that it has been 89 years from the day Estonia declared it's freedom.

The fact that Estonia was occupied by soviet russia does not erase our history (although it makes 60 years of it very bitter).

To make it simple and clear:
Imagine a man who celebrated his birthday every year until the 20th bday. After that for some reason he wasn't able to do it anymore. But when let's say he turned 60 he wanted to celebrate it. Now, does it mean that the years between those two bdays aren't meaningful and he shouldn't say its his 60th but his 21th birthday?
i got your point ;)

happy birthday
Let's all sing together the national anthem of Estonia ! (which they have stolen from Finland)
I swallow ofc! hehe
I'll knife you for that !
We shall not forget the times between 1944 and to the middle of 1950 where the Soviets had occupied the Baltikum and the 3 countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuani fought for their freedom.

Juzas Lucksa (though Lithuanian) led the LAF and the so called Forest Brother into a bloody and cold battle for the Baltic freedom against the red beast. They won their battle eventhough outnumbered but persistant and with smart guerilla warfare.

Stay strong!

Juzas Lucksa 1921-1951
Smarty pants

"I'd want to give him a message," said Eerik, his blue eyes gleaming. "I'd tell him, 'Look, look around you, the time of independence did come back, and I am—once again—a free man.'"
thx for fintards! (us)
Estii lineup?
sweden used hax, np
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