Tried to make a little clip now that i've got my new pc. I watched a demo and everything looked nice, but when i started capturing my screen went black. I could still hear the sounds and the demo kept playing i just couldnt see anything :O
Plz help me solve this problem!
exec another cfg, vid_restart, exec your own cfg again, vid_restart, watch demo, capture and look if it works
ill give that a try :)

edit: worked! thank you very much
--> (vaGgi) is now known as (polar`perfo)
you have ati and you are using temporal antialiasing. np. turn it off. Ah, not in your case... but it caused the problem for me.

oh god, writing via that software windows keyoard sucks.
it actually couldve been the problem, cos i am using that, but i didnt have to turn it off for it to work :O
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