Medusa 5.1 ProGamer

I need help at the installation from that headset.
In the user's guide is written, that there are no driver installations needed.
So i connected the headset with the coloured jack plugs from my soundcard, and with the usb plug. there was no sound hearable after a reboot, except some strange peep-sounds. The pc also doesnt detect the headset in the "sound" direction in the systemcontrol. If i go to "hardware" in the systemcontrol, he detects four things of which i think they are from the headset, called "PCI-Kommunikationscontroller (einfach)", "Multimediacontroller", "Audiocontroller für multimedia" and "USB-Controller". There is also another thing, but i dont think that it has connections with the headset, but because my sister thinks so, i also write it here, its called "MPU-Kompatibles MIDI-Gerät". So, can anyone help me pls, my sister wants sound :<<<
stop that, or we will speak slovenian on vent the whole war
stfu and help pls :S
I can speak slovenian np
working fine without some drivers
yeah you dont need drivers just a sound card with 5.1 or better.
ask perfo
don't buy 5.1 headset when you don't have a 5.1 soundcard meight
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