Balls of Steel

Not sure if anybody else watches it. UK comedy show on Channel 4 in which you watch 12 contestants do some pretty funny stuff to win 'the balls of steel', some examples here and here , enjoy
HI above the mucky muck castle made of clouds, there sits wonderboy
naice lol
anyone have neg's newer stuff, if there is any?
yeah search for Neg's Buger Bowl :D
saw that already. :p
A Danish channel picked it up, I don't think it's that funny.
i rofled about that neg guy ahahahah
balls of steel is one fucking funny show!!
I love the program.

Neg is fucking wicked...

Im up for urban sprinting at CPC if anyone will do it with me
hahaha that fat security man was so fast.. :D:D
The millitant black guy is pretty funny.
I remember watching it when it first started, and it sucked a bit. But I saw a video clip of that urban sprinting thing and rofled.
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