Low skill admins

They admins banned us from the flex cup cuz we pwned defix on ettv.
They dont even have proof that we are cheating, but they banned us GG.


- FlexCup-Eyon
- FlexCup-raymond

ps: only the good admin whas morf, cuz he first wanted to see proof.
but u are a busted cheater right
that cup is for lowbirds
Mwah sweex you got banned for hacks by yourself, and surprisingly enough I don't think you guys DONT HACK, because I don't know alot teams that beat defix, but especially not you guys.
they banned us too, cause of "cheating"
net of jij zeg maar ooit goed van jezelf bent geweest? zLoL
shidima said we cheated becoz one got kicked for excess flood and morf almost believed it
couldnt care more
it wasn't you that won, it was your cheats
how come i think this is very hard to believe

QuoteNah, we dident cheat they just jalous, and cant accept that we won from defix.

and im sure they wont be jalous at some1 with your rep
carefuckingface, this is what you get (and deserve) if you ruin your own reputation by cheating.
very funny idd
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