Partychicks + Linux


I'm kinda tired of WinXP, everybody is going crazy over Vista but as long as I don't have a dual core I'm not going to try it out, just a case of keeping my os running fast at all times.

So Ubuntu seemed like a sure pick for a linux newb as me, and I will make sure I keep my old windowsxp as backup ;)

But ze question is:
How do you get ET to work with Linux, what problems can i expect?
Could is still play CIV4 & Starcraft?
Could I use my old windows pbkey in my linux?

greetz to all you nerds out there,

image: 4
nice pic, really made me concentrate on your problem
you are my only hope :'(

ps: pic was taken at LAN
direct link imo
You have to register first, head to the forum and click on Gforce uncovered!
/q viol :D
pm chaplja/zhaplja :P
I wanted to know what the noobs thought first :P
I only seen my brother installing it with great ease, then continuing to whine for ages about root and admins and ubuntu being somewhat of a bitch :P
mandriva is quite good for starters too.

et is available as some sort of installer for linux. so it's no problem to get it running.
you will still be able to run windows programs via f.i. wine. but the performance might suck.
Hi Overdrive,

Installing and configuring ET to work on Ubuntu is very easy. There is a problem with sound however. After applying this command you'll be able to run et with sound:

echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss

The problem starts when you want to use teamspeak or ventrillo. Much depends on which sound card you have. If you have sound card which doesn't support hardware mixing you won't be able to run teamspeak & et at the same time with sound in both.

Ventrillo is Windows only, but you can use emulators (wine if I remember correctly) but the quality can be very poor then (cracking, sound lag etc.)

I use Windows to play ET myself (or better to say I used it untill I stopped playing ET)- I have SB Audigy LS, which doesn't support sound mixing.
i have onboard sound ...
I wouldn't count on running ET & teamspeak together then :)

Maybe emulating Windows version of TS could help, but as I said sound can be laggy and may crack.
Bullshit, you can have both running correctly on Ubuntu, even with an Onboard Soundcard.
bash: /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss: Permission denied
If you're new to Linux you might have problems with getting comms and ET running at once with sound in both of them. Solution has been posted here many times (even by me I think), it's very easy.

Don't know anything about Civ4 (who the hell plays it? FreeCiv online ownz!). Starcraft runs fine under wine I think.
You can check if this (and other) games run under wine on (appdb)

About PB key - I don't think so, as far as I remember you can't just copy your pbkey between different OSes, but I might be wrong as I'm completly not sure ;-)

BTW: so many ppl post questions about linux and ET here, I guess I really should find some free time during this week and write simple guide / tutorial for (not only) ET players that want to give linux a try.
looking forward to it
my brother plays freeciv and civ was a great game, untill civ 2 came around. Civ3 sucked bigtime, but the multiplayer in civ4 is so much fun.

also looking forward to your tutorial :P
For some people it is impossible to run et + ts with sound in both. It might be easy with some cards, but not with onboard or those which don't support hardware mixing.
starcraft : yes
civ4 : yes
PB Key: no


only sound imo --> i use 2 snd cards cause mine doesnt support hardware mixing.

Ventrilo -> no native lin client ( runs with wine but not that nice )

ATI : u have ATI ? prepare for bugged srivers

hf @ the real wordl (Linux)
My 2 Cents:
If you seriously want to get a Linux based O/s don't get Ubuntu.
If you get Ubuntu it's installed without Kernelheaders, compilers, commonlibaries, etc.Ubuntu is the Windows of the Linux Distros.
If you actually want to "use" Linux, get a Distro like Debian, Fedoracore, Slackware, Arch, etc.
There may be many wnb Linuxpr0's who say "Ubuntu is lyke zeh leet distro", trust me, it's not worth installing it.
Just switched from Ubuntu [it's easy to install ET though if you're using it] and i'm now using Knoppix which is 10 x.
Get a few liveCD's and see which distro you like, more popular ones seem to have alot more support [duh]
forget ET < tuxracer
i used ubuntu till now ... no problem as weezy said... probably its like the windows of linux .. im getting fedora for my laptop . f*ck windows :D
fedora rox ! :)
you have onboard sound?
pbkey = yes (dont listen to the others :d). just copy your etkey to ~/.etwolf/etmain/etkey

sound problems? np, check this. probably the easiest way to get sound in ET working while another application is already using it [sideeffect: 'unclean' output in /cheaters, but it's not really a cheat so you dont have to worry)
zomg, these girls play et :)
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