Linux - The Info Guide!
26 Feb 2007, 02:54
Since Microsoft released their latest Virus called Vista, many people think about Installing Linux on their Machines, in this Journal I'll shortly introduce you to Linux, make some Comparisons, and make Microsoft look like a bunch of nerds.
Q: Why should I install Linux on my Computer?
A: Linux is more comfortable, safer, easier, sexy, etc.
Who isn't annoyed of beeing afraid when surfing on p0rn sites, getting some kind of Malware, like a nice Virus, Trojans etc. ? When you use a Linux Machine, you can surf the internetz without having in mind "Omg they'll fuck meh Comp!"
Virii can't do shit on your Linux-Comp as long as you use it correctly.
You have 10000x more Options to customize your System on Linux.
Q: Visible Differences
A: Ok, let's check the Visible differences between Microsoft Virus' and Linux Operating Systems:
This is what your Screen probably looks like
Pretty boring eh?
Now lets see what your able to do with your Linux Desktop:
Sexy, eh?
No need to say anything about this.
Q: Software
A: Ok, let's talk about Software! In teh Windows32 world you have to pay for like 50% of all Software availabe (Don't know, but should be around 50%). When you have Linux installed you already have almost anything you need. A totally professionel photoedititng software, the wole microsoft-Office paket, Xfire, ICQ, MSN, IRC, Firefox, Music- / Video - Players, a nice amout of little games :D, and much more. When you're using either a Modem Connection, or Connect to the internet through a router, you immediatly have internet after installing, same with sound!
If you want to install any other Software, VLC (Video Lan Player for example), you can install it with a few clicks, w/o searching in teh internet for D/l Links.
Q: What about ET + Linux !?
A: Want to play ET under Linux? No problem!
Here is the most common and easiest way to install Graphics Driver & Enemy Territory!
Since many people have problems Installing the correct OpenGL Drivers, here's the probably easiest way to do so:
Download this script: It's called envy IClick and install it (Just execute it).
After doing so Press Ctrl + Alt + F2, log in as root, and type the following Lines:
> /etc/init.d/gdm -stop //Stops the Xserver
> envy
Now you get a menu, select either "Install NVidia Drivers" or "Install ATI Drivers", voila, Drivers successfully installed.
Enemy Territory
> wget C // Downloads the Installer
> chmod x // Allows your useraccount to Execute the file.
> sh // Runs the Installer
Thats it, now just type et, or open it via your Menu, and hf fragging.
When playing ET under Linux you should get more FPS than you had in Winblows. (Usually + 10-30%).
Linux beats Windows in all Points, except crashing. Windows has the better crashes, like:
Keyboard not working, press F1 to turn it on Keyboard Support.
I mean, seriously, did the MS-Coders laugh while coding that?
Well, that's it. Here are some Links where you can get some info about Linux:
German Linux Site
English Linux Information Portal
My mission: Bring Linux to the people
Q: Why should I install Linux on my Computer?
A: Linux is more comfortable, safer, easier, sexy, etc.
Who isn't annoyed of beeing afraid when surfing on p0rn sites, getting some kind of Malware, like a nice Virus, Trojans etc. ? When you use a Linux Machine, you can surf the internetz without having in mind "Omg they'll fuck meh Comp!"
Virii can't do shit on your Linux-Comp as long as you use it correctly.
You have 10000x more Options to customize your System on Linux.
Q: Visible Differences
A: Ok, let's check the Visible differences between Microsoft Virus' and Linux Operating Systems:
This is what your Screen probably looks like
Pretty boring eh?
Now lets see what your able to do with your Linux Desktop:
Sexy, eh?
No need to say anything about this.
Q: Software
A: Ok, let's talk about Software! In teh Windows32 world you have to pay for like 50% of all Software availabe (Don't know, but should be around 50%). When you have Linux installed you already have almost anything you need. A totally professionel photoedititng software, the wole microsoft-Office paket, Xfire, ICQ, MSN, IRC, Firefox, Music- / Video - Players, a nice amout of little games :D, and much more. When you're using either a Modem Connection, or Connect to the internet through a router, you immediatly have internet after installing, same with sound!
If you want to install any other Software, VLC (Video Lan Player for example), you can install it with a few clicks, w/o searching in teh internet for D/l Links.
Q: What about ET + Linux !?
A: Want to play ET under Linux? No problem!
Here is the most common and easiest way to install Graphics Driver & Enemy Territory!
Since many people have problems Installing the correct OpenGL Drivers, here's the probably easiest way to do so:
Download this script: It's called envy IClick and install it (Just execute it).
After doing so Press Ctrl + Alt + F2, log in as root, and type the following Lines:
> /etc/init.d/gdm -stop //Stops the Xserver
> envy
Now you get a menu, select either "Install NVidia Drivers" or "Install ATI Drivers", voila, Drivers successfully installed.
Enemy Territory
> wget C // Downloads the Installer
> chmod x // Allows your useraccount to Execute the file.
> sh // Runs the Installer
Thats it, now just type et, or open it via your Menu, and hf fragging.
When playing ET under Linux you should get more FPS than you had in Winblows. (Usually + 10-30%).
Linux beats Windows in all Points, except crashing. Windows has the better crashes, like:
Keyboard not working, press F1 to turn it on Keyboard Support.
I mean, seriously, did the MS-Coders laugh while coding that?
Well, that's it. Here are some Links where you can get some info about Linux:
German Linux Site
English Linux Information Portal
My mission: Bring Linux to the people
linux doesnt have so good program support cuz all the programs are made for windows, some have linux translations but definitely not many, how about making a guide how to join ventrilo server after you have succesfully installed your ET.
using teamspeak is not an option.
you dont have to use vista and u can keep ur computer clean of viruses @ windows aswell if u just know how.
nevertheless, windows crashes alot and isnt so tweakable. surely I would be using linux if all the programs would work fine with it and I would really know how to use it.
There are a lot of Windows Emulatoras, the most common is probably "Wine". Running Ventrile under Linux is no problem as well. :-)
Just to show you, tell me one Program of wich you think it's not available for *nix Systems, I'll show you how to get it work, or give an equal one. :)
Easier? Sure. Who are you kidding?
Sexy? More like nerdy.
That linux desktop looks like shit, you could find a better pic. Also WinXP screen is carefully picked to look ugly.
And yeah, before playing ET you should install some graphic drivers? Fun process on linux!
Poor attempt to promote linux.
Like I said, as long as you use it correctly, thats not hard.
Its way easier imo, just get used to it.
Nerdy? More like sexy.
Just like I said, i was making MS look nerdy.
I didnt say that you dont need to, many ppl just had problems installing ET, so I shortly wrote how to do so (Ill include a DriverHowTo now as well), installing Drivers takes you 4 Clicks.
# sh envy*.deb
~5 minutes (depends on teh internetz speedz) and... Done!
KDE, Gnome, Xfce, FluxBox, etc. - modify as YOU want, not as Microsoft want's.
Little this and that with iptables and you're invincible!
np <3
Nuff said.
You could also mention that by far not every soundcard supports playing ET and using Vent/TS² at the same time.
I use both Linux and Windows, yet for everyday usage I start up Windows. There is much specialized software that simply doesn't has an equivalent on Linux and also can't be wrapped/emulated. Especially Audio Sequencing software is a pain in the ass under Linux. Also I can't really enjoy working with Blender when I can have 3D Studio Max on Windows. Sure, I could also use Maya, but as I happen to have a license for 3DS, why bother changing?
GIMP still can't be compared to Photoshop. Everyone who uses Photoshop a lot, like me, and then tries GIMP will criticize GIMP's UI as well as the lack of decent layer effects. Try creating some layer effects with GIMP that affect each other.
I preferably start Linux when I code. You just feel yourself somewhat nearer to the system.
The first time I installed Linux was back in 1999. It was Corel Linux and it was cool to mess around with it. Even though that changed, and Linux is by far not a thing just to fiddle about anymore, it still needs lot of improvements especially regarding standard interfaces. The system they got now, the Linux Standard Base 3.1, is a good start. But it is primarily developed for usage on server systems. We need progress for the desktop systems. Without these progresses it's worthless to most normal users.
If they stick up to it however I think in about 2 years Linux is more suitable for the random user. But not for now.
I was excited while writing
You just have to know how to protect yourself against it and you won't have any problems.
linux = sudo apt-get install [program name here]
2 question that really interest me:
- which linux is "easy" for beginners (heard bout ubuntu and stuff)
- thinkin bout fps in ET: linux > WIN?
and finally: linux is 4 free, right? so where to download fast & easily? thx
And atleast for me the fps on linux is for about 20% more + they are much more stable than on windows. (For example: On Windows + Radar was like ~150fps @ tunnels and ~30fps @ field. On Linux + Radar it's now stable 125 @ tunnels and around 70fps on fields.)
And easy distros are SuSE, Mandriva, Ubuntu, PClinuxOS, Kanotix (and many other ones)
Just Start with a Distro Like Debian, Google "Debian Netinstaller", burn it on CD, boot & install.
I'm running Sidux, best Distro ever from Linux
Always the fucking bs.
eth was fun though <3 nixcoders
Edit winex-system.ini at:
add the following line under [driver32]
Now you have the GSM6.1 Codec. Hf with Ventrilo
Havent tried it on my laptop yet, which wont even install ubuntu because xserver doesnt really know what a mobility x1600 is.
Everything (Vent + TS + ET) works fine for me, just need a bit of Google Skillz
I want linux =(
give me linux
easy to use and can support my graffic card as good as win xp, as in 1400*1050, and also easy to set up the wireless internet , i had huge problemos with it last time ='<
Yeah you realy need linux to watch your pornsites retard.