schoolday :(

today it's my first schoolday for 2 weeks... sure it's not that bad, but if you can't sleep the night before cause you never slept before 3AM in the holidays it's kinda shit... Now i could sleep like a stone... Thats jus'uneven!!!
Nuy me some sleeping pils pls!
still 7 weeks holidays
have nice time in school :PPP
holiday in 1week for meh!
we dont have holidays in Estonia : )
we'r school nolifers
not even summer holidays?
slept 4h this night and am at school right now :d but had only one wk holidays :<
I have 2 hours till next lesson.. blah. Spending time here @ school = boring. :|
Next week on vacation <3
I got vacation mwahahhahaaa
i never have school vacations anymore so be glad
ive been on a holiday for 13 years
w00t in 15 min free :=
i got vacation for 2years allready :D
god, i'm back and it was quit... boring
saw again the crappy counterstrikeboon classmates and the ugly bitches of girls we have... thats not really a thing to be happy about
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