Wolfenstein 2

Wolfenstein 2 for xbox360 only?
dunno yet
lol fuck off suka :P
nooooooooo pls
care... it's gonna suck any way... game-makers need to stay with the "simpler" engines when it comes to mp-games...
No it won't
but this id guy said so didn't he ?
he said "primarily"
primary for xp box but i ll surely appear for the pc too but a bit later
im sure we will all have fun strafing with remotes :'(
it will come out for xbox360 first cuz they are fuckheads.
why would it only be released for a crappy games console? o.O

PC will be the bigger market lol, just because Carmack said he though the 360 development platform was the best he'd worked with many take it as gospel that they won't be making it for PC.
Console-fpsmovement < *
Prolly nice 1m/h movement so console boons are able to hit something.
sounds like et compared to q3cpma
Or r6 compared to ET. But my point was that even slow games like r6 are impossible to play with a console, so rtcw2 @ less tempo than in r6 = very najs.
then it will be a good time to pick out those old soft-jazz tapes.
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