cpc2 times

I heard rumours that the CPC2 starts on Friday 13 April around 11/12 CET. Afaik, there is no holiday in the Netherlands. I guess it's good to know for the attending clans that they have to be sure they don't have school/work in the morning/afternoon.

Afaik, the times haven't been announced yet, but everyone should know it's starting on Friday.

I hope there will be no problems with the attending players, everyone is already sitting behind his PC every night, it's probably a problem for ur parents of u want to take a day off for an online game :P

cu @ cpc2!
this friday?
(21:25:53) ((
(21:25:53) —› now talking in (#semapi)
(21:25:53) ((
(21:25:53) —› topic: (Sex - Marujana - Pimpish ankiie - artan - Loekino - KeytardoY - Uteoz - Ov3ract1ve - fat - Elsimon - Lao Backup: YodaAaaaaaa | Invite only :: CPC2 - We dident get invited :< ( LFG killing TosspoT (lvl 70+) Im gonna fucking kill him. sky
Hmmmm just say @ skool ur sick
Me and most art players have exams the week after :(
so atleast i won't be there, an e-hi 2u anyways
welke examens? je zit toch in 6vwo?;/
niet centraal schriftelijk, SE's
Ik heb ze dan net gehad:/ cpc2 zit tussen mn SE"s en herkansing voor SE...
Haha, I hope loads of teams cannot attend now! +D
i always tell my parents when they are whining at me while im playing a match that im the best clan in the world and i can win 200.000 dollars if they just leave me alone
lol'd :D:D i'll try it out
holidays here @ portugal
c u @ cpc2
Friday the 13th? Wooo this tournament is doomed, emo's united at cpc2.
yeh it does, someone said it in orignal cpc announcement weeks ago
damnit, stop all this talking about CPC2!!! yur making me angry! i cant be there :<:<:Egfqwg
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