IE faster than mozilla...

Yes Internet fans it is true!

No, I'm not going to link you to some clever persons post on some clever persons website, but I'm going to tell you about my liberating experience.

My laptop has been crashing alot today so I thought, what have I changed? I know, I just updated Mozilla to version 2. So I stopped using mozilla (so far no crashes!) and I started using IE 7.

Now, being the crossfire'r that I am I've only loaded one site so far and that is crossfire, but I am telling you, it is FASTER. Lightning reaction times, adding news is a doddle, CPC2 whine reading is a doddle, banning loekino easier than ever!

Its amazing and yes my Monday has been that dull!
intresting... <:D
There's some sort of tweak you can add to mozilla that make it faster. I don't remember how or where, but it's there!
You don't really need to tweak it, loading Crossfire over here goes blazingly fast ever since they removed the Last Comments. The "tweak" you were looking for is right over here.
its called "fasterfox" and it owns.
A very enlightening experience.
Opera > *

As I said once before, IE7 is great improvement over IE6, but shit compared to good browser like Opera.
opera FTW :)
u rly better ban loekino
i dont rly care
Weird laptops that can't handle Firefox, there is obviously something else wrong with your computer!
i disagree
Use Opera.
image: corpnat
Cant live without my extensions so unless you can get me all of those I wont change. :)
Which ones? I only use the speller check :<
No 1 cares
I'm convinced IE7 is just re-touched Firefox code. A couple of weeks ago I ran a browser detect script in IE and it claimed I was running Mozilla 4.0 (Firefox). Coincidence? o.O
of course browser which is implemented directly and is part of the OS will be most likely faster than any other browser installed as an application.
true about ie being faster than ff, but ff is stable and stuff so I def prefer that
Opera > all
Firefox ftw - IE just sucks, IE is just one big bug, like ET
I loved switching from web to harddisk in one click with IE, but the add-ons and scripting in firefox makes it just ten times as good.
my firefox had stopped working after i updated it to newest and i had to reinstall it like 5 times untill i found out that it was because new update and plugin not working together even though it should
what a nice way to waste 30mins
A very enlightening experience. ( mztik )

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