Congrats Tiwes dæg

Congratulations with this Tuesday.

Tuesday is considered the second or third day of the week, between Monday and Wednesday. The word "Tuesday" comes from Middle English Twisday, from Old English Tiwes dæg, a rendering of Latin Martis dies. The English and Scandinavian names are derived from the Nordic god Tyr (in Old English, Tiw, Tew or Tiu. In Swedish, Tisdag, Danish: Tirsdag, Finnish: Tiistai and in Norwegian: Tirsdag/Tysdag, Icelandic: Týsdagur.) Tyr was the Norse equivalent of the Roman war god Mars, hence Martis dies ("Mars's day").
whatwhat (in the butt)
Thanks for enriching my Monday.
Have a nice tirsdag
Etymology is always interesting
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