rate that shit

im making a page for my own graphic inspiration, and wanna know where im making a mistake plz rate it out.

picture here: http://shrani.si/?insaneclowugft.jpg
lol kwa je pa insane clowns

drgac je pa zakon

ki je stask?
dunno, cak

P.S: paklic ga
nam ga zej klicav, bu zi prsu ce bu
dej cifra na PM

P.S: grim zej enga ukurt pridem nazaj cez 20min ce pride un spam na ventu!
must be rly nice if u said that
Looks sexy
overuse of those diagonal stripes, but besides that pretty good :)
upload in flames!
rating is already in your journals title
ye i know its shit but tell me whats wrong on it i need info what would u change etc.?!?!?
I find it cool cause there is Latvia Clown written on it, he is hawt!
Pretty nice. But the background of the mainwindow should be different to the background of the sidebars.
looks cool
i suggest you expand the news box in width.
too much scanlines, but overall quite nice!
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