perfo hax?? UPDATE!!


I just wanted to say one thing.. Perfo.. you know i love u, but i cant stand that people have stoped flaming you for hax just cause u attended SHGopen:<<<

Let me tell you all something.

1. @ Lan, there is no chance to wallhack.. no problem...
This mean that you wount know where your opponent is, but you will ofcourse be able to hit them as u do online (not if u usually use aimbot.. but perfo doesnt use aimbot)

Perfo played very well @ lan (as ive allready said in an journal earlier) but Perfo played very well when it comes to smart playing, movement & aim. He allso have very nice nades (normally, wallhack nades... but @ lan, without wallhack)

But please.. stop saying he aint using wallhack just cause he played good @ lan... Its easy to understand that he can still use wallhack online, to get that little extra advantage that makes him kill people behind bank of goldrush who is standing still etc...:D

so please. keep flaming him for wallhack, cause he is using it..99% sure...

<3 you perfo:D cya in NL:D

UPDATE: This journal may be infected by irony.. (<-- important add, since alot dont understand that:D)
Wallhack 99%
that "#insert random name# is haxxing!!!1" is getting rly annoying.
good proof (no "it could be, not sure") or stfu (:
snuble said it, so solid proof!

u got it!
another daily "perfo-&-hax-journal" with obvious-proof, well done :P
u r so right..!
I'm 99% sure everyone who ever thought / still thinks perfo uses / used wallhack is retarded.
i never thought he did, because i know what ppl can hear with a "good" headset
i think we got a jealous person among us... pls snuble #getalifeorstopwhining

ask perfo
omfg hahhahahahahahahahahah so funny
btw chance*
done:D and thanx.

i need some english skillz..
he needs his headsets banned 4 life!
no? cause i have the same headset:<
sry pb has allready headset banned it ='<
perfo medskill @ lan!!
he just played in a mix team, cant pwn like playing with cdap-pi
still better than u :d
i loled
Ask perfo ?!
plz noob perfo
i still call him a cheater from time to time, for example when he kills me in q3, thats nexus
i saw him puting a device of some sort in his perfoheisers when he started playing every match. i suspect he has a soundhack
quit et perfo is niks aan doei
Who is next? First we had Butchji, then we had Perfo, we need another wnb hacker!:(
true.. ppl saying ''he went to lans and played nice so he isnt cheater'' its just bs
mmm , not funny.
idd, nothing special to see, so stop flaming
I find it hard to believe you're really 24. :-E
sol... oh no..

I failed to be funny.. i know...

but tbh, i really miss the journals about perfo haxing..
It's not about being funny, or what you post about, that isn't what I meant! You just give the impression of being much younger by the way you conduct yourself. :-p
i know:D sometimes i do.. but thats so good about ze internet.. that i dont have to worry about "how old im acting".

real life i do hope im acting my age:D and I belive i do.. if not.. i dont really care since im having alot of fun anyway,

looking forward to say hi 2 u in NL..
perfo is perfo but pepper will always be pepper
What an attention whore -_-
100% agree!

normaly people have to be very much better on lan, i mean no hax and no lag

cant understand why people should play better inet!
especially when you have your own pc :p
like me:D

im lanonly:D
wallhacker for sure, altho he did "ok" at lan but so did everyone else too.
i know u took it as a joke:D i hope:D

much of <3
n1 irony ...
Same thing i got accused for :P lol nils i feel for you<3
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