Nokia 445Xi Plus - help needed

Hi guys,

as the topic states I own a NokiaXi Plus - an 21" CRT monitor. But nowadays the display just turns into a black screen, I cant even see the monitor options from the screen itself. It doesnt need a certain time, sometimes its just after a few minutes and another time after an hour. Does anyone have an idea whats wrong with the screen? - Any advice appreciated, thx in advance.
i would suspect a loose cable inside or maybe a capacitor or something is on the way out. I think you need to look for another monitor
Le monitor est mort, vive le monitor!
das kann soviel haben ...
aber besten is du kaufst dir nen neuen crt weil die preise sind eh im keller und siken noch weiter
hacked (C) dont copy u bandiittt
+schicke ihn ein

+kabel lose ?

+ konsistor/transistor lose ?
ich tipp auf kabelbruch
thx for the answers guys, maybe time for an lcd screen anyway - grmpf
lcd is for wow only players
einschicken, neuen fordern.
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