i cant open it

I just downloaded over 2 gigs of prisonbreak episode and for the first time since ages i ran into a filetype of which i have no idea how to open it.


all files were stored in a map called "articles" for some reason and they are all named similar to "0f0a0a74"

help :{
Haha PWND :P

did you try to make the first one .rar?
ye :[ winrar says it doesnt contain anything or its damaged ;O)

weird thing is that it doesnt include any par files either :P
ur screwed by the internetz! Nothing on the source you got it from?
[02/55]Prison Break S02E17 NL Subbed- "Prison Break S02E17 NL Subbed.part02.rar" yEnc
67 files - 10121/10121 parts - 2.42 GB

thats all i know

didnt get any readme's with it

the map articles is 2.42GB too
Hmm genaait!
hej negroide man ik kan css spelerenenenen pm me een keertje :l
ik speel iedere avond css :P heb je xvuur? ken je me ff toevoegen!
Contact me ergens op irc ofzo en dan download ik dat xvuur enzo wel en dan zeg ik hoi en poep
ok poep hoi!
dont dl crap ;-@

use torrents that arent in rar
like on torrentspy
dont dl crap and use torrents dont fit in 1 line :p
hahahaha :D
probeer laatste file naar rar te renamen en dat te extracten dirk
Don't download 2.42 gb for 1 episode, unless its HD and your streaming it to a TV or smth. And just use torrents :P
it prolly is HD and i am streaming to tv :-d
ask perfo
re-download the episode in a proper size and format.
put your extensions on and tell me what extension this is
Al geprobeert te image-en? Trouwens Movies zijn toch ook Downloads?
i had an program to convert Bestand files to .iso
alcohol 120%?
try 001 joiner or GSplit
fixed it, thanks to rfki. i could decode the files with a program called yenc32 :p
gebruik un breekijzer :o xD goeie grap van mij xD

mopje flauw mopje ;)
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