ET + partychicks

hi2u ET,

About a year and a half ago Madscientist explained the aimspreadbug in ET. He basicly showed that people playing very high fps, benefitted from less spread when aiming.

So how do you achieve better accuracies in ET? Buy a good (dualcore) pc. Use the default USB mousespeed = 125hz and raise your FPS as high as you can. Once your FPS > mouserate your accuracy will start increasing without you actualy aiming better. Much like a cheat you get better while still being the same shit player. Use cg_drawspreadscale 2 to see your aimspread, and watch it getting smaller and smaller as you increase the FPS.

So here's the good news. CB once again doesnt care. Neither does Frop (soz pal, to me it looks like you were responsible for global config) So I invite all you people to start playing 166fps or higher, and abuse the spreadrate.

SHG could do it. Ofc kris whined about him having the same spread as everybody else, but who cares. Do we really need RTCW2 or another Quakecon before we get an updated config with com_maxfps IN 43 125? I actually remember seeing crumbs RTCW movie and wondering if it was pure aim or aimspread hax?

Well, CB nor Frop care, so I suggest we just all abuse it till it becomes a plague the size proning was, maybe then in a few years they will actually update the config. I reallize adding com_maxfps IN 40 125 is very much to ask, the feature would take thousand of manhours to investigate and implement, but it is the only choice of somehow 'fixing' a bug in RTCW/ET that can't be fixed without totaly changing the way the aiming/shooting feels.

<3 over
image: 11
It will be added
I've heard that a couple of times. I'm having the urge to go look in my logs and show you how many time I have had that reply and how long ago that was said to me.
Was in sHg afaik
Yes perfo told me.
But overdrive is there overrall so many abusers of this?
And does it work on every q3 engine based games?
Kris and drago are a few I can remember. It only works with ET, as you dont have the aimspread in Q3.
drago doesnt even get 100 fps
then it was you! One of the helix guys afaik! I do not want to attack any of the players, as most use it without knowing it actually is a bug.
im not a helix player, yes i used it.

how come you know that?
You commented that a few months ago in one of my journals.
I support this man!
oh now i know why i'm not high end :/ fuck you shit pc -.-

:) good point btw!
Overdrive i think not so many abuse and if they do then they do np.
Yeah, it doesnt matter some ppl have less spread, less recoil, less screenshake, lodbias 150000, texturebits 16, seeing trough walls or aimbot.

Its only a few. Who cares about a fair game anyway?
LOL yup who would :p
(00:05:38) ([CB]Adacore) com_maxfps IN 43 125
(00:05:57) ([CB]Adacore) next CB config and CPC2
(00:06:06) ([CB]Adacore) don't know when they'll be released, but I guess we need one for qualis :S
(00:06:13) ([CB]Adacore) unless we're going to use an old one :D

I know this is a private log, but well :)
bitch plz, couldnt you have said that 5 mins earlier :'(
Na 2 jaar! Ik ben zo ontroerd. Snif ;)
omg, posting logs! ban
Ah, another CB admin! Only talked to you 3 months ago ;) I think I still have some logs from two years ago with donex :D
you havent talked with me 3 months ago, it was like:
config Overdrive 3 Feb 07, 05:40
Just need them to backdown over the mg :>
nooo, keep the mg! :(
if it is true

something should be done about it...
I'm playing at 166 fps...
And I wont play with random 125 because on my HW and monitor, the game is choppy when turning + mousefeeling is different (like with prerender images 3-5 and it feels like the movement was filtered like hell)... And 100/76 is even much worse:X

I'm not against forcing fps to lower values, but since with 166 fps theres almost no difference I dont see a reason to force it IN 43 125... just force it IN 43 166 :).
its bug xploitin
40% is almost nothing
exactly... anyway, i'm using 250Hz, so im not whining about removing the bug, but about forcing fps that makes the game choppy for me:)
I personally enjoy playing Q3 at high fps, and I would certainly enjoy it in ET just for the sake of smoothness.

But there is a bug in ET and the only practical way to fix it is to force maxfps in 40 125. The only other solution would be reya1p, the only active ETpro coder, changing way spread works, basicly changing the way ET / RTCW feel. Afaik it would need a patch, which is the last thing you will ever see in ET.

With 125fps abusing would still be possible, but a lot more difficult. Besides, with dualcores performance anyone could easily get to 166fps even 200fps.
Just to finish my feeling about fps... I tried all of those "mostly used" maxfps... 333/250/200/166/125/100/76 and after the testing I realised that feeling of those 333/166, 200/100, 125/76 is quite the same with best feeling at 333/166 (though at 333 the game is even smoother). At those 125/76 the game started to be choppy and the mouse movement started to be delayed as when using rendering images ahead on higher values and as if m_filter was enabled and amplified. The game was most choppy on 200/100 fps for me and at those fps it was unplayable because of those two effects.

Don't know if it's ET engine related and that it would be the same on every hardware managing those fps of if it's feeling that way only at specific hardware setup...

Well... I could play at 125 fps, but as I've said it's kinda choppy and mousemovement is fucked up and together, it makes the game hell of a harder to play when you can't aim properly and when it's not smooth.

So when talking about those couples of fps - 333/166, 200/100, 125/76 there might be a chance that 83 fps would feel like 166... gonna tst it:D
200/100 fps might feel choppy because you are using 100hz displayrefresh and you can see the frames being rendered on your screen (=line on screen where old frame meets new frame)
Monitor: Samsung 931C

so you get like max 70hz with that tft? then how come you feel any difference between 125 and 166 fps

sorry if im a n00b
It manages 75Hz... and Hz doesn't change the fps rendered, just the fps you "see".
the feeling will be different as 166 reacts faster, and also the mouserate gets spread different among frames.
het is wel weer zo'n lekkere overdrive-dzjoernol vind je niet?
166fps - 125hz = 41 extra mouseinputs

meaning you are cheating 41/125 = 32,8 %
read my reply to perfo...
it will be talked with cb crew soon i hope
Lies lies lies!
hey overdrive kris gebruikt 1000hz :d
btw. brb adjusting mouse to ps/2
i have a intel core2duo e6400 processor and can barely reach 125 fps at goldrush

what am i doing wrong :d
no i think it has something to do with people putting ET on one processor and all the other processes on the other. ET doesnt support dualcore afaik. (can get 333 fps stable in cod2)

but im not sure if i should mess around with these kind of settings
My parents bought dualcore and it got 166 stable at grush courtyard with arties and support. Most maps ran 200fps stable.
r_mode 4?
i mean, you cant really gain THAT much fps with cfg tweaking can you?
Actually I helped Adacore with the SHG Config and implemented com_maxfps IN 43 125. I was kind of expecting CB to hijack this setting and I'm just waiting for the other leagues to release a new version.
new version will be released @ start of new season imo
go uberdrive
Good Job Overdrive, achieved alot here
QuoteI actually remember seeing crumbs RTCW movie and wondering if it was pure aim or aimspread hax?

rtcw has had forced fps 43-125 since another bug in the engine.

Quotepb_sv_cvar com_maxfps in 43 125

enforcing a maximum of 125 fps relates to the quake 3 engine and its “magical" fps values. At 333fps the engine can't cope with the amount of commands sent by client, this seems to cause the hitboxes to lag behind the player model making it very hard to hit them, the engine simply chokes.

-> Pure aim :X.
Wepee. nice one :)
no wonder why it started to feel weird after i bought my laptop . my old PC was little bit better in ET than my laptop right now (radar timedemo 190 vs 150) and i cant get very stable 125 or up . and with laptop aim seems to be less accurate ...
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