enemy territory the game

i cant get it, why does ET automatically fuck up itself after a random period of time?
for example i tried to open ET today then the console gave some fuckshit error and the game crashed. i was like, NP i can open it without etpro on, then i did this and it crashed again xd. anyways after that my monitor crashed due to et setting a wrong displayrefresh and i had to do a systemrestore. after that i tried to connect to zP et server and then it said my goldrush version was the wrong one (LoL)

whats up with ET? :l

ask perfo
expected comment
same with me perfo, i have to delete my et profile in etmain to get it working :(
nice reply :)
What man! Its troo :p
Where is a movie?? :<
my et is running since one year without reinstall :D
sucht ihr noch den einen spieler?
i have the goldrush problem too :/
just had a bad day mr.perfoheiser
ET has died many times, maybe this time it will kill
its solved dont worry!
Now I can sleep tonight, THANKYOU!
my ET crashed last time like.. 2 years ago. but still i have fps probs !
Hmm, smells like hakspirit!!!!
i'm afraid we're playing the wrong game
I still have an 3 years old et on my comp. Yes, on a windows xp.
at least you dont have that freezing problem :<
at least you dont have that freezing problem :<
at least you dont have that spammin problem :<
yesh hei perfereter

edit: check my profile ":D"
had lots of problems, like now atm everytime a map ends my screen gets full with strange colors and then i have to push windows to stop it and then my graphics are all fucked up and i see some random colors on walls like purple n stuff & sound is low quality :x
hoi pb update!
nice stealth:)
nice stealth, but ur not stealthgod
Never happened to me!
coz ET is the most buged game in ONLINE game history?
i prefer:

side effect of nexus
ask perfo maybe? oh wait, nvm.

still lub u <3
latest ETpack has wrong version of goldrush :P
maybe thats ur prob?

or maybe something else is going on :D
no i joined some trickjump server and that fucked me over. but its fixed now :p
yeah totaly pew pew las0rz shields up lal bubbleboys are here to save the day o lol HS time see us later i will missed you.. liek one time in AB i was totaly owning LM and BS at the same time rite and up coms this total nub who is like wtf meight i bought skillz @ EeBay so gief me peaixaxz so noproblem for me and then wtf they decide to do a split BS LM rush and i am liek teh only defandar there rite.. so im liek in bg chat lol guis head over here and mebbei help me or summit rite but theiy r liek totaly grinding hk on one respawning ennemy so ok im ofc in my imba spot to check out the whole gamefield so i totally pwn the first 10 enemiez that come up to me lik sw;p sw;p sw;p 2 all and ScReAm like imba girls n shit and they run away i Vamp emb one of them and mb him for around 3k killing theirs mt and restoring most mana i get imba fucking 10 spirit taps in quick succesion so i m lik lol gief my stats baithaccczhz but k we got still 10 inc to bs ofc I levitate fucking imba feather skillz np4me and mount and fly to bs, quickly fear the flagtaker and finish of the naab clothiers first liek 2 mages 2 pri 1 lock or sommit then for fun i take over their mt and watch him slay a dr00d and some ShAman naabs for fun then thers like this guy who is all like i ll totaly silenc him cuz he is reaping us tbh so i am like haha yeah right totaly guys and resist his silence like 3 times, almost get morphed but ofc imba reaciton times gief me dispell on taht shite and ne way i just take out wand and PEW PEW finish of the remaining guyz and i am all like np at all in bg chat and all the guyz are liek total skill0rz but wtf we got no hks now and i am like hAHA PLS l2p and shit right then this girl comes up to me and asks lol want to grind hk with me or summat and im liek totaly girl and tahts my gf over there i known her for 2 days now and she lives like in russia or smth sending her money for a plaine tickets soon so she can lives with us ne way please die because yoaure movie is totally egoo gg dont go ego i mean you dont here me about owning whole of AB like totaly all the times anyway i gtg guild raid atm see us laters
moet je geen pub spelen :D
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