#raceathon 2

[img|RIGHT]http://www.esreality.com/images/icons/53_big.jpg[/img]On Thursday the war§ow 0.1 warsow raceathon will enter it's second leg.

A new race map is released every 24 hours. After the first map is released you have 24 hours to submit your best time. Players are encouraged to keep their best times to themselves so that there is some excitement when the results are posted.

By only giving players 24 hours to practice a map we really get to see who the best movers are in the community. Everyone is free to participate. I'm a race nwb and had a real blast competing against my clan mates in the last raceathon. You don't need to register anywhere, you only need to submit a demo.

Starting: 19:00 GMT, 1 March 2007 (Thursday)
Ending: 20:00 GMT, 4 March 2007 (Sunday)

#raceathon on Quakenet, this thread and the official site.
and what do i get if i win?
you wont win, but thanks for the interest
warsow strafing is pretty much gay, i dont like it at all, cpma strafing > all
easy for petriP-TNT
go noor go!
warsow is fucking shit
While I have very little interest in this competition, I disagree with the idea of keeping times to yourself. Competition (and blatant lies) would make it much more fun imo ;D
The skill difference is just so big, its slighty heartbreaking when you've been playing a map for 2 hours, only to find that someone with sick movement has gone a second faster than you. It was great last time because noone had any idea where they'd finish right up until times were released. There were some big upsets last time as well, makes it a lot more exciting.
ok - I guess if you're doing it with a lot of sequential maps then it could be a big upset to see some of the top people on the first map or two fall behind massively on a map.
more iG cups plz
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