need a guy from Bremen

As the title says i need someone who lives in Bremen.
More exactly I need someone who could tell me how to get from the airport to the trainstatation and how much would a train ticket cost from Bremen to lets say enschede or maybe Groningen.

pls pm pela @ or suxus (quakenet ofcourse)

Train ticket is like 50€, or so our Finns said (to Enschede from Bremen).
thx mate.

edit: but is it for one? :o
it says about 42€ on the site (, but I heared that you'll get it a lot cheaper when you buy it early enough
How many people have we got flying into Bremen? Assuming it's all the finns and the estonians, that's a total of around 27 guys. If it's really €50 a pop for train tickets, that works out at €1350 in total, €2700 return if that's a single price. That's probably enough to be worth investigating a coach or minibus hire option, if you all got together.

EDIT: Oh, and probably the latvian too (hi clown!) - that makes 28...
Be sure someone is atleast 21 years old. Else you can't rent such a big car in Germany. :-)
And has his/her driving license at least 3 years!
I agree with Adacore, mini-bus / car hire seems best with the amount of people traveling from Bremen.

Quick google shows you can get a 5 seater car from Thursday to Monday from Bremen airport for about £110. So that's £22 per person (32~ euros)

Sure if you properly looked into it you could find cheaper.

Edit: ofc that doesn't include petrol :x
petrol isn't too cheap in germany ;)
Live in England remember :p

1.4~ euro per litre
Ireland Ryanair?
it seems to be the best option
From Riga I guess? You could also look at EasyJet, they fly out of Tallinn.
easyjet only goes to london and berlin from tallinn. Bremen is a lot closer to enschede than berlin is.
Fly to london then swim!
You also have the option for the so-called "weekend-ticket". It's a ticket for a group up to 5 people and i think you can travel through whole Germany with it. Should cost about 100 bucks i think, so 20,-€ for each group member. But as its name says, weekends only!
We used it ages ago when we went clubbing to Berlin, though i'm not sure about the atual price as I go by car since 2001 ;)
But would that cover crossing the border into Holland?
No, it doesn't cover Holland. Aachen is the last city @ Germany. But as Holland is a quite small country, it shouldn't be that expensive. From Aachen to Maastricht, where my favourite coffee shop is, I paid like 10 € I think.
hübscher umweg bremen => aachen => enschede :p
Hab von Frankfurt aus gedacht...

Sorry, Aachen is _not_ the last German city for you guys :P
alternativ könnt man auch über russland fahren
Immerhin hat Deutschland eine schöne Landschaft; ich könnte den Spessart und die Lüneburger Heide empfehlen!
And the 6th guy will need to walk? :P
Maybe they can get a merc :P
No for real, as Adacore said there are 27 ppl from Scandinavia they could group up at Bremen, they'd buy 6 tickets = 600 € (if the price I quoted is correct).
Yet, the "Wochenendticket" (weekend-ticket) is the cheapest way to travel through Germany in a group.
I'd like to talk to a guy from bremen too :D

Trier > Bremen
Solve for Nellie where:

Trier <= Nellie <= Donkeyvote

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