Too much time on comp..

I was at school the other day and I wanted to go to the next page of my book and I wanted to press ALT + TAB only to fine they weren't there in the book o_O;

Next our teacher asked me to search something up in the book and after wanting to press CTRL + F and again not finding the keys in the book I was thinking maybe I need to cut down the time I spent behind a computer screen^^

Now I got a job and I also have to work on a computer D-:

Anyway my point is: They should replace books with small handheld notebooks!
Discuss :>
afaik there are schools who already use digital books, being notebooks with all book text's stored in em. But it's still a long way from being used everywhere :D
Where is such a school?! xD
Preferebly in Holland.
hmm not sure anymore read about months ago, think it was somewhere in the US. But could also be in Japan seeing they are lightyears ahead of us o/
2rd, you could take a keyboad with you all the time, this way, you will be able to press ATL-TAB and CTRL-F, although it won't serve you any good...
go live in the forest!
rofl, that thingy with ctrl+f for searching sth on a page irl happens to me often, too :D ;(
ammagad i hacked your vent chan pass
it was really difficult to hack :p
it was

but ill never come back again, im dont dare to talk with girls
mwahaha, shy guy
i had to go to the doctors after i said hi anna, i couldnt even breathe anymore
LoL, ah that was the reason for your "uh.. have to go" reaction ;p
nah, i went out :)
If had a good paying job behind a computer I'd be more then happy! but anyway about the school part I totaly agree :P
You're a freak.
i often want to press my voiceactivation key when some1 irl talks to while iam sitting at pc
u rly must be addicted, books rox omgftw!
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