m1lk joins Impact Gaming

image: impactbanner

Just to confirm for those who had no clue due to real life issues United Kingdom Mztik can no longer attend CPC2 with Impact Gaming. He needs to sit down and study his arse off if hes going to get into University to study medicine. This was not planned and came as a surprise to all of us including United Kingdom Mztik however our reaction to that is to bring in the well known dutchmen:
Netherlands m1lk

He will be attending CPC2 with us along with the forthcoming Eurocup. With all the best intentions we do not expect any more lineup changes, we never expected this one but as the France French say "c'est la vie"

United Kingdom Impact lineup is now:

Finland Xpaz
Finland mystic
Finland Raveneye
Finland Tiigeri
Netherlands teKoa
Netherlands m1lk

lol , gl m1lk
rewind dead, gl milk
where is mikzaa

edit: murso yes :D
Impact backup cause with Finland murso @ cpc2
weeeh gl milkje <3
mztik hax that's the reason
goed geluk melkje
m1lk on 01/03/07, 23:38:27 Del | Edit | Nuke | PM | Reply

i've only merced for them two days

dont make up news ;p
oh noes you can nuke commentS
Nuke me plx
LOL i wanna have the "Nuke" button aswell
lol i only spoke to m1lk to confirm an hour ago.. your psychic
c'est la vie.
btw it's spanish
where is mztik
[<<] m1lk? jejeje nice 2 days clan that rewind was (2 days? )

gogo gl
4th team in 1 month or something? :>

feruS wanabe.
gl ouwe
technish gezien is hij nog maar op 1/5 van zijn leven, dus dat is niet zo oud muiS
gl m1lk

great lineup, go for it impact
gl m1lk & impact gaming.
Gl m1lk and impact!
M1lks clanhistory is getting big and fast and nice :>
Sad to hear that Mztik, gL studying. :O)
Ik had iets beters verwacht, zoiets als butcji
die ken ik niet? waar heeft butcji gespeelt? awards? :o}
Weet ik veel wat die duitser zijn preciese naam is..:D
idle anyway
gl impact :D
so Mztik is out ? even after CPC2?
In the summer if people are interested in playing I can paly!
m1lk gay ^^
unexpected? not rly

gl hf milkboy
your chances of winning cpc2 is decreasing massively

but gl:D
too bad, mztik fitted perfectly in that lineup
why, eVo

Well nothing against using a journal for that kind of news but I would have posted something like that at your page first. A clanpage is made to inform others about the clan ;D
mztik onlineonly xd
Amusing that the first game he plays for impact is vs his ex-team (aMenti aka TLR)...
That's the funniest thing of the situation :]
gl milk
del and edit aswell?
as always

good luck to them former rtcw players :) ..
Gl m1lk :>
gl m1lk =)
GL clanhopper
Milk FTW! :) hf, geluk heb je niet nodig cu :P
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